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Sweet Fanny Adams: la tragica fine di una bambina dietro a uno slang militare

Sweet Jane - M.E.I. 2006

Sweet Jane - M.E.I. 2006 Riprese effettuate presso la Tenda E del MEI FEST 2006. Visita il sito: www.meiweb.it

Swing High Swing Lo

1937 - Drama / Musical / Romance
In Panama, Maggie King meets soldier Skid Johnson on his last day in the army and reluctantly agrees to a date to celebrate. The two become involved in a nightclub brawl which causes Maggie to miss her ship back to the States. Now stranded, she's forced to move in with Skid and his pal Harry. She soon falls in love with Skid. Skid gets a job playing the trumpet at a local club and becomes a big success. Fame and fortune go to his head which eventually destroys his relationship Maggie and his career.
Directed by:Mitchell ... continua

Swing High, Swing Low

1937 - Drama / Musical / Romance
In Panama, Maggie King meets soldier Skid Johnson on his last day in the army and reluctantly agrees to a date to celebrate. The two become involved in a nightclub brawl which causes Maggie to miss her ship back to the States. Now stranded, she's forced to move in with Skid and his pal Harry. She soon falls in love with Skid. Skid gets a job playing the trumpet at a local club and becomes a big success. Fame and fortune go to his head which eventually destroys his relationship Maggie and his career.
Directed by:Mitchell ... continua

Swing Hostess

1944 - Musical
Rags-to-riches-to-rags story features Benny Goodman vocalist Martha Tilton as an unemployed big band singer who takes a job as an operator at a jukebox company. After falling in love with a bandleader, she gets a chance to get back in the limelight by singing for his group.
Directed by:Sam Newfield
Writing credits:Gail Davenport
Complete credited cast:
Martha Tilton Iris AdrianCharles CollinsCliff NazarroHarry HolmanEmmett LynnBetty BrodelClaire RochellePaul PorcasiTerry FrostPhilip Van ZandtEarle BruceBob GoodingWalter PietilaGene ... continua


Tesi paranoie, schizoide, sotto forma di monologo, sulla reale origine del popolo svizzero. Autori: Corrado Ragazzini Visita il sito: www.collecchiovideofilm.it

Sword and the dragon

"The Sword and the Dragon" (1960) is the Americanized version of the Russian film "Ilya Murometz" (1956) released by Valiant Pictures and presented by Joseph Harris and Sig Shore

Sword of Lancelot

1963 - AdventureAll the fiery passions of the lusty age of great kings... beautiful queens... that heroic age of King Arthur and the gallant Knights of the Round Table!Directed by: Cornel Wilde Writing credits: Richard Schayer, Jefferson Pascal Cast: Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallace, Brian Aherne, George Baker, Archie Duncan, Adrienne Corri, Michael Meacham, Iain Gregory, Mark Dignam, Reginald Beckwith, John Barrie, Richard Thorp, Joseph Tomelty, Graham Stark, Geoffrey Dunn Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

Sydney Salmon

Sydney Salmon è un cantante Rasta giamaicano: nato a Kingston è emigrato durante la sua adolescenza con la famiglia negli Stati Uniti. All'inizio degli anni ottanta ha fondato The Souljahs ed ha prodotto con questa band il suo primo album 'New order'. Allo stesso tempo Sidney ha fondato la sua casa di produzione Basic 4 per cui sono usciti i due singoli 'I do believe' e 'Nuclear warheads': entrambi i brani sono stati inclusi nel suo primo album solista 'Our time is now' uscito sulla etichetta americana Shanachie. Sidney diviene membro della affiliazione Rasta Twelve ... continua

Visita: www.rototom.com

Sylvia Earle: El futuro de nuestro océano

Bióloga marina y ex jefa del National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), un organismo norteamericano destinado a la investigación marina. Ha protagonizado una infinidad de expediciones y cuenta con más de 6.000 horas de inmersión. Fundadora del Deep Ocean Exploration and Research, Inc., Mission Blue and SEAlliance, y presidenta de los Consejos Asesores del Harte Research Institute y del Ocean en Google Earth. Apodada “Dama de las Profundidades” y considerada una de las más grandes exploradoras del siglo XX. Ha dirigido más de 60 expediciones y ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl