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The three stooges in three little beers

The stooges are hired to deliver beer, but when they go to deliver beer to a golf course, they get distracted and play a round of golf

The Time of Your Life

1948 - Comedy Joe spends a lot of his time at Nick's Pacific Street Saloon. Tom, who credits Joe with once saving his life, stops by regularly to run errands for Joe. Today, Tom notices a woman named Kitty when she comes into Nick's, and he quickly falls in love with her. Meanwhile, a distraught young man repeatedly calls his girlfriend, begging her to marry him. Nick himself muses on all the various persons who come into his bar, some to ask for work and others just to pass the time.Directed by: H.C. Potter Writing credits: William Saroyan, Nathaniel CurtisCast: ... continua

The Tong Wars

autoproduzione audio/video
music : basso elettrico + Renoise
video : VSE Blender
Quest' opera è distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condautoproduzione audio/video
music : basso elettrico + Renoise
video : VSE Blender
Quest' opera è distribuita con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Non commerciale - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0
This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is (1)
noncommercial, (2) trasformative in nature, (3) does not compete with the original work and could have no negative effect ... continua

The Torch

1950 - Drama
Directed by: Emilio Fernández
Writing credits: Emilio Fernández, Bert Granet
A revolutionary and his band take over a small Mexican town. The townspeople begin to take sides over whether to fight him, join forces with him or just try to get along with him.
Complete credited cast:
Paulette GoddardPedro ArmendárizGilbert RolandWalter ReedJulio VillarrealCarlos MúzquizMargarito LunaJosé TorvayPascual García PeñaAntonia DaneemJorge TreviñoRosaura RevueltasEduardo ArozamenaGuillermo Calles
Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com
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The trail beyond

The trail beyond is a 1934 Western (genre) film starring John Wayne, Noah Beery, Sr., and Noah Beery, Jr.. It was based on the novel The Wolf Hunters (novel) by James Oliver Curwood which was also adapted as a silent film The Wolf Hunters (1926 film) (1926) and a later sound film The Wolf Hunters (1949 film) (1949).
This film presents an extremely rare opportunity to see Wallace Beery's brother and nephew appear together in a movie. Noah Beery, Jr., who played "Rocky" in The Rockford Files forty years later, has an extremely large role as John Wayne's character's ... continua

The transatlantic tunnel

It's the story of an engineer who takes on the most ambitious project ever - excavating a tunnel under the Atlantic Ocean from England to America - and the obstacles and sacrifices he makes while doing so. Stars Richard Dix and Leslie Banks with special appearances by George Arliss and Walter Huston. Directed by Maurice Elvey

The tree of Life - di Terrence Malick. Meraviglia, mancanze e contro-critica

Malick racconta

The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes

1935 - Mystery / Thriller
Holmes, retired to Sussex, is drawn into a last case when.arch enemy Moriarty arranges with an American gang to kill one John Douglas, a country gentleman with a mysterious past. Holmes' methods baffle Watson and Lestrade, but his results astonish them. In a long flashback, the victim's wife tells the story of the sinister Vermissa Valley.
Directed by:Leslie S. Hiscott
Writing credits:Arthur Conan Doyle, H. Fowler Mear
Complete credited cast:
Arthur WontnerLyn HardingLeslie PerrinsJane CarrIan FlemingCharles ... continua

The true cost

Questa storia riguarda i vestiti che indossiamo, le persone che li realizzano e l'impatto che l'industria sta avendo sul nostro mondo. Il prezzo dell'abbigliamento è in calo da decenni, mentre i costi umani e ambientali sono cresciuti notevolmente. The True Cost è un film documentario rivoluzionario che alza il sipario su ciò che molti non conoscono, mettendoci davanti ad una domanda: chi paga davvero il prezzo per i nostri vestiti?

The Tuba Tooter

Animation Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com