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The Valiant's song

Musica a video prodotti da me

Visita: www.myspace.com

The Vampire Bat

1933 - Horror When the villagers of Klineschloss start dying of blood loss, the town fathers suspect a resurgence of vampirism. While police inspector Karl remains skeptical, scientist Dr. von Niemann cares for the vampire's victims one by one, and suspicion falls on simple-minded Herman Gleib because of his fondness for bats. A blood-thirsty mob hounds Gleib to his death, but the vampire attacks don't stop.Directed by: Frank R. StrayerWriting credits: Edward T. Lowe Jr.Cast: Lionel Atwill - Fay Wray - Melvyn Douglas - Maude Eburne - George E. Stone - Dwight Frye - ... continua

The Walking Dead - Riassuntazzo brutto brutto

Ciurma, tempo fa vi avevo chiesto cosa voleste e voi mi avete risposto. E sia, ordunque. Film, primi episodi di serie e quant’altro. Per suggellare il nostro accordo e dal momento che molti di voi lo hanno chiesto a gran voce, eccovi un nuovo episodio del Riassuntazzo brutto brutto. Purtroppo non riuscirò a farne uscire più di uno a settimana, quindi l’appuntamento settimanale resta fisso al mercoledì con GOT, ma qualora trovassi il tempo potrei fare il pazzerello.

Visita: www.barbascura.com

The war of the Women - for Noppaw

NADiRinforma and Medico N.A.Di.R. propose the documentary "The War of the Women" in the Campaign Noppaw (Nobel Peace Prize for African Women) supported by Solidarity and Cooperation (CIPSI )) and ChiAma l'Africa with the aim to assign Nobel Peace Prize for 2011 to African Women as a whole."In Africa I saw the strength of the Women" "I have realized that a man doesn't possess so much those abilities than the Women to face, to listen, to support and to understand, to be sacrificed for her own Community" "In Africa I listened to their stories: there was stories of rapes ... continua

Visita: www.mediconadir.it

Visita: www.cipsi.it

Visita: www.chiamafrica.it

The wasp woman

A scientist develops a youth formula for a cosmetics queen from jelly taken from queen wasps, failing to anticipate the typical horrible side effects

The whistleblower

Le lacune nel sistema di controllo delle banche nella distribuzione e vendita dei diamanti.
Con la crisi finanziaria le banche si sono trovate di fronte a riduzioni dei profitti, perdite e problemi di solidità. I loro consigli di amministrazione hanno dato il via libera a operazioni spregiudicate che hanno fatto perdere decine di migliaia di euro a milioni di risparmiatori. Nel 2016 Report ha scoperto che Mps, Banca Intesa, Unicredit e Banco BPM vendevano ai loro clienti diamanti per un valore complessivo di circa 1,5 miliardi di euro. I vertici di DPI, una delle ... continua

Visita: www.raiplay.it

The white gorilla

A group of white men are menaced by a mysterious white ape in this jungle thriller

The White Orchid

1954 - Adventure
Directed by: Reginald Le Borg
Writing credits: David Duncan, Reginald Le Borg
An archeologist sets out to explore the jungles of Mexico to find and document the lost civilization of the Toltecs. An attractive female photographer accompanies the expedition to photograph the findings and falls for the handsome plantation owner who is guiding the group, although the archeologist has discovered feelings for her. Finding the ancestors of the Toltecs living in a hidden city, the expedition begins to document them until an accidental death places them all ... continua

The Wild Dog's Last Stand

THE WILD DOG'S LAST STAND The most endangered large carnivore in Africa is also the animal that has made a huge contribution to study of animal behavior. The Hunting strategies of the packs in Selous Game Reserve and the unusual and sometimes sinister breeding behavior in Kruger National Park these dog describe a totally new animal. Directors: Ugo Adilardi and Marco Visalberghi
Photography: Ugo Adilardi
Production: Paneikon - RAITRE - BBC - Licaone Fund
© 1995 To buy this video: info@paneikon.it

Visit the site: ... continua

The wild nature of France

Journeying from North to South through Jura, Brittany, the Loire Valley, Auvergne, Aquitaine, the Rhone Valley, Provence and the Pyrenees, the documentary film will tell the stories of the living world surrounding us, grounded in scientific and naturalist observations. At times funny and unusual, poetic and magical, the captivating images tell of a crucial moment in the lives of animals and their habitats, encountering the men and women dedicated to their cause on the way. More than ever, the film will honor the incredible biodiversity of France’s wilderness.