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Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 08On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 07On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 06On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

24/11/2011 - 05 - Après-MidiOn November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab ... continua


Punto G 2011- Genere Genova GlobalizzazioneI DUE VIDEO Le immagini, le interviste, le registrazioni dei due giorni di plenarie e performance dell’evento organizzato dalla rivista MAREA a Genova il 25 e 26 giugno 2011.Due dvd che raccolgono oltre 6 ore di materiali audio e video (con in più documenti cartacei) sull’evento Punto G 2011- Genere Genova Globalizzazione, organizzato dalla rivista Marea a 10 anni dal primo incontro del 2001.Nei 2 dvd è raccolta la documentazione delle due giornate di dibattito, il 25 e il 26 giugno 2011, che hanno offerto a Genova ... continua

Visita: www.mareaonline.it

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

24/11/2011 - 04 - Après-MidiOn November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed “Policymakers’ Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change”.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

24/11/2011 - 03On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed “Policymakers’ Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change”.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab ... continua

Rototom Sunsplash 2011 - Mr Vegas

Rototom Sunsplash 2011 - Mr Vegas

Visita: www.rototomsunsplash.com

alborosie gusto dopa al sole 2011

artissima 18 L.I.S.finale showcase linx my artistcut n capture alex caroppi

palestina 2010

palestina 2010

Visita: www.youtube.com