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02)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

Presentation of 3D-CBS technology by inventor Dario Crosetto Need for a Change in Direction of Research Objective: Defeat Cancer with early detection Does a solution exist for early diagnosis? Signals that show cancer development: temperature, density, metabolism Visit the site: : Introduction. Thanks to sponsors : Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, Q&A : Specific questions on social & technical objectives, innovative elements, advantages and obstacles : Round table

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 022

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Intervista a Paul Singer

Intervista a Paul Singer Scrittore, economista tra i maggiori esperti al mondo di Economia Solidale, responsabile presso il ministero del lavoro in Brasile per l'Economia Solidale

01)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Opening of proceedings. Introduction of guests of honor (Prof Luigi Marrelli)
-Introduction of review, thanks to sponsors (Dr Vincenzo Vigna)
-Introduction of questionnaire, which completes phase 1 of the review, and description of phase 2 to compose, with the contribution of external specialists and the public, the final report (Dr Vincenzo Vigna)
Visit the site: : Presentation by the inventor. Objectives: Defeat Cancer with early detectionSignals that show cancer development
: Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 021

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Intervista a Catia Campos

Intervista a Catia Campos Capo di gabinetto del ministero per l'assistenza sociale e contro la fame in Brasile

Better tools for better Medicines. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

The European Commission and the pharmaceutical industry are entering into a pan-European strategic alliance to fund research in the health sector and accelerate the discovery and development of innovative medicines. This collaboration will bring together stakeholders on all levels to share knowledge and results. The benefits for patients will be significant, as it will further contribute to removing bottlenecks in the drug development process, thus providing patients with better medicines, faster. The boost in competitiveness could also be significant as resources for ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 028

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Intervista a Padre Luigi de Rocco

Intervista a Padre Luigi de Rocco Prete della Diocesi di Belluno da 25 anni in Brasile, ex parroco di Joaquim Nabuco, fondatore delle case per bambini Joaquim Nambuco insieme alle suore del Divino Amore


Per gentile concessione della Casa Editrice EMI. MARIA DEL VILLAGGIO DELLE FORMICHE La cenciaiola di Tokyo Maria Kitahara Satoko, figlia di un professore di Tokyo, sente il richiamo dei diseredati della sua città, i cenciaioli. Presa dalla vocazione, si stabilisce nel loro villaggio superando diffidenze e ostilità per crearvi, tra mille difficoltà, una scuola e nuove condizioni di vita. Ci riuscirà, offrendo loro anche la sua giovane vita. Acquista il video on-line su EMI