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4) - The Art of Resistance

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 015

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Lo mejor del noticiero 2006. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Intervento di Eros Cruccolini

Eros Cruccolini, presidente IV cuartiere di Firenze. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

03) - National Insecurities

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

Intervento di Antonello Sotgia

Antonello Sotgia rappresentante del nodo romano della rete Nuovo Municipio. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

Caminantes: David Alfaro Siqueiros

Cuenta la vida de David Alfaro Sequeiros, militante y pintor ? muralista mexicano a través de entrevistas e imágenes de sus obras más famosas, centrándose, no obstante, en su carrera de militante. Su hija Adriana Alfaro y otros personajes amigos relatan cuál fue la participación importante y exitosa del pintor en las revoluciones mexicanas y españolas y todos los acontecimientos importantes que rodearon su carrera militar como sus numerosos exilios y encarcelamientos, el atentado a Trosky entre otros. Cortesía de Telesur Visita el ... continua

02) - Stanting with the women of Iraq

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

Introduzione di Grazia Mammucini

Maria Grazia Mammuccini e il presidente di Mps Bancaverde, ed è la moderatrice del convenio e in questo intervento introduce l'intervento di Vandana Shiva. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: IL FUTURO DEL CIBO A cura di: Assesorato Agricoltura, Regione Toscana Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

Mesa Redonda Internacional: Mito y Legado del Che Guevara

Mesa redonda internacional es un programa de entrevistas, donde la opinión es el género predominante, que permite el análisis de contenidos políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales y hasta deportivos, teniendo como principal protagonista a Latinoamérica. Cortesía de Telesur Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

01) - The Real Face of Occupation

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua