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Protesta Mapuche

Vídeo sobre el respeto a la Comunidad Mapuche: prisioneros políticos mapuches en huelga de hambre; protesta para decir "NO" a la minera en el Lago Lleulleu en el Territorio Mapuche. Cortesía de Señal3 - La Victoria Visita el sitio: www.canal3lavictoria.cl

Los estudiantes protestan

Video sobre las manifestaciones de los estudiantes en Chile. Un fraterno saludo a los estudiantes secundarios por su lucha consecuente. No olviden que cuentan con el apoyo de los medios de comunicación alternativos. Cortesía de Señal3 - La Victoria Visita el sitio: www.canal3lavictoria.cl

Swing Hostess

1944 - Musical
Rags-to-riches-to-rags story features Benny Goodman vocalist Martha Tilton as an unemployed big band singer who takes a job as an operator at a jukebox company. After falling in love with a bandleader, she gets a chance to get back in the limelight by singing for his group.
Directed by:Sam Newfield
Writing credits:Gail Davenport
Complete credited cast:
Martha Tilton Iris AdrianCharles CollinsCliff NazarroHarry HolmanEmmett LynnBetty BrodelClaire RochellePaul PorcasiTerry FrostPhilip Van ZandtEarle BruceBob GoodingWalter PietilaGene ... continua

Swing High Swing Lo

1937 - Drama / Musical / Romance
In Panama, Maggie King meets soldier Skid Johnson on his last day in the army and reluctantly agrees to a date to celebrate. The two become involved in a nightclub brawl which causes Maggie to miss her ship back to the States. Now stranded, she's forced to move in with Skid and his pal Harry. She soon falls in love with Skid. Skid gets a job playing the trumpet at a local club and becomes a big success. Fame and fortune go to his head which eventually destroys his relationship Maggie and his career.
Directed by:Mitchell ... continua

Rosso peperoncino

Rosso peperoncino Due sorelle, nel cuore della montagna della Sila, gestiscono una "casagriturismo" caratterizato da specialità gastronomiche a base di peperoncino che, ancora oggi, coltivano nella terra ereditata dai genitori. Un giorno alle due sorelle un evento farà nascere l'idea e il desiderio di autenticare e preservare il peperoncino. Visita il sito: www.operbaccodesign.it

El hombre que archivó las mil y una imágenes

Video homenaje sobre el gran periodista argentino Roberto Di Chiara.Gracias a los Archivos Di Chiara. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Ready-Made Story

Ready-Made Story È un periodo di tumulti a Carton City. La cibernetica sta mettendo in crisi l'equilibrio del paese. Gli oggetti non riescono ad accetare questa novità. Come faranno a riportare la pace e la serenità di sempre a Carton City? Riuscirà la videocamera, con l'aiuto della meravigliosa "ragazza monitor", a farsi accettare dai compagni oggetti senza che la chiaccherona "radio" ostacoli la loro storia? Tutto questo e altre sorprese nella "Città di Cartone". Visita il sito: www.operbaccodesign.it

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 011

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
1° Tratar de ayudar en el trabajo y en la vida cotidiana a tantos latinoamericanos residentes con sus familias en Genova y sus alrededores representa desde hace muchos años la tarea fundamental de la Asociación ecuatoriana de Solidaridad que acaba de inaugurar en el Ponente Ligure una nueva ventanilla de atención.
2° 12 Países de la región Latinoamericana eligieron en este año nuevo gobierno. En el Noticiero, les presentamos una ficha que resume el ... continua

Stagecoach to Denver

1946 - Western SOUND FIXED - Lambert has the stagecoach wrecked killing the Commissioner so his phoney replacement can alter Coonskin's land survey. When Red Ryder exposes the survey hoax, Lambert has his stooge Sheriff put Red in jail. Directed by:James Polakof Writing credits:James Keach, James Polakof Complete credited cast: Allan Lane Robert BlakeMartha WentworthRoy BarcroftPeggy StewartEmmett LynnTed AdamsEdmund CobbTom ChattertonBobby HyattGeorge ChesebroEd CassidyWheaton ChambersForrest Taylor Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Slashed Dreams

1975 - Crime / Drama / Thriller A couple on vacation in the woods is stalked by a pair of rapists. Directed by:James Polakof Writing credits:James Keach, James Polakof Complete credited cast: Peter Hooten Kathrine BaumannRic CarrottAnne LockhartRobert EnglundRudy ValleeJames KeachDavid PritchardRandy RalstonSusan McCormickPeter Brown Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com