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This film studies the fascinating social behaviour of the highly endangered lesser kestrel in the unique and spectacular scenery of the Sassi of Matera in Italy, one of the oldest human settlements known to mankind.Director: Andrea GuarnieriPhotography: Andrea Guarnieri - Maurizio Felli - Giancarlo PancaldiProduction: Paneikon - RAITRE - Channel 4 © 1995______________________________________To buy this video write to:info@paneikon.it ______________________________________Visit the site: www.paneikon.it

025)- Mesas de trabajo - Blanca Eekhout

Defensa de la veracidad y pluralidad informativa Segundo encuentro Realizado en la Sala - Iran, FAO 4° Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad Visita il sito:

07)- Intervento di Maria Cristina Ferin

Con gli occhi di Radiè Resch per guardare oltre l'incerto quotidiano e trovare la nostra unica certezza : la Speranza. Visita il sito: www.reterr.it

Pascua Lama

This is a documentary that is being produced right now, with Agnès Denis. It has been shot with the right aim of making European audiences aware of the real danger that hangs over a wonderful valley.
The Barrick Gold industry is one of the biggest American and Canadian gold mines, more than 20% of its bonds belongs to the American society Bush.
The target of this video was to spread the seriousness of the attack which is being prepared in the Alto del Carmen Valley, 500 km northbounds from Santiago de Chile, with the support of the ... continua

024)- Mesas de trabajo - Rudyard Viñoles

Defensa de la veracidad y pluralidad informativa Segundo encuentro Realizado en la Sala - Iran, FAO 4° Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad Visita il sito:

06)- Intervento di Marianita De Ambrogio

Haiti oltre la cronaca, per cercare di capire cosa accade. Visita il sito: www.reterr.it

Mickey mouse goes to haiti

Walt Disney and the Science of Exploitation..
What is it like to work in haitian factory sewing Disney children's clothing for export and sale in the U.S.?
Your pay is 28 cents an hour... a starvation wage, which forces you and your family to survive on credit, like indentured servants.You cannot afford to purchase milk or medicine for your children. At work you are screamed at to sew faster, you are humiliated and treated like dirt. At night you go home to a crowded one-room shack without running water or a toilet. You and your family go to bed hungry.
If ... continua
  • Visualizzazioni: 5640
  • Lingua: INGLESE
  • Fonte: Crowing Roosters Arts | Durata: 19,34 min | Pubblicato il: 1996
  • Totale: 1287 filmati
  • Categoria: Documentari
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 2.1/5 (27 voti)
    Condividi| Commenta

023)- Mesas de trabajo - Alfonso Sastre

Defensa de la veracidad y pluralidad informativa Segundo encuentro Realizado en la Sala - Iran, FAO 4° Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad Visita il sito:

05)- L'incubo e il sogno

Secondo filmato con Il Griot In questo filmato approfondisce la spiegazione della professione di Griot con un aneddoto della sua infanzia. Visita il sito: www.reterr.it

Alternatives in education

In this film, EuroNICHE investigates new directions in life science education. From anatomy to physiology, surgery to pharmacology, we sample classical experiments where conventional animal use has been replaced by a range of progressive alternative methods. With a focus on gaining the skills and knowledge required for the professions, these new educational tools and approaches are demonstrated by the teachers who use them today.