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Europe to Ensure the Correct Use of Pesticides

Interviews: Jean Pierre Cugier,GRAPPA - INRAProf. Marc Boogaerts, KUL - Catholic University of LeuvenStavros Dimas, European Environment CommissionerHans Lokke, "NoMiracle" project coordinatorMarianne Bruus Pedersen, ResearcherHenri Cestier, Agriculteur - Farmer Visit the site: www.mostra.com

El misterio de Edwin Drood

1935. De Stuart Walter, largometraje americano en inglés con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Claude Rains y Heateher Angel. La trama, un adicto al opio y maestro coral de una catedral es acusado de la muerte de su sobrino Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

13)- 6 con Di Pietro

29 gennaio 2004 Vittime della criminalità.www.antoniodipietro.it

Minimising Flood Risks in Europe through Better Planning

Between 1999 and 2004, Europe suffered over a 100 major floods. They caused about 700 deaths, the displacement of half a million people and at least 25 billion ? in insured economic losses.Once again this year the Elbe flooded and the Danube literally smashed its record reaching levels never before seen in Budapest.Increasingly often, the danger of flooding originates in the mountains when torrential rains provoke flash floods which are extremely destructive. Mainly in the semi-aridzones of the Mediterranean basin.
Jean Pascal van Ypersele,Climate ... continua

El clarividente

1934. De Maurice Elvey, largometraje americano en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Claude Rains, Fay Waray y Jane Baxter. La trama es la historia de un mentalista tramposo, al que de pronto sus predicciones se hacen verdad Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

12)- 6 con Di Pietro

28 gennaio 2004 Morti sul lavoro.www.antoniodipietro.it

Talking Allergies and Asthma with a Europe-wide Approach

Millions of people in Europe are allergic to springtime, due to the higher pollen count. Others suffer all year long because of their allergic reaction to certain chemicals. Interviews: Professor Peter Burney,Imperial College, London, UKProfessor Sven-Erik Dahlén, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SwedenDr. Stephen Durhan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Visit the site: www.mostra.com

El hombre monstruo

1932. De Rouben Mamoulian, largometraje americano, en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, con Fredric March, Henry Jeky y Miriam Hopkins. De la novela de Robert Stevenson, el tema de la sexualidad reprimida del protagonista que se transforma en el sádico y perverso Dr. Hyde Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

11)- 6 con Di Pietro

27 gennaio 2004 Sciopero e diritti negati.www.antoniodipietro.it

Researchers Playing Hard at World Cup

The leading football nations are competing for the World Cup, stirring emotions amongst billions of fans around the globe.Gelsenkirchen in Northwestern Germany: where Ecuador is about to Play Poland.Marcin has come with friends from Warsaw to support his team and enjoy the occasion. Interviews: Marcin,Henry Barthel, EPCglobal, Bussels BelgiumChristopher Hermann, AOK StuttgartMonika Rother, Marienhospital StuttgartAneta Baier, IRT MunichThomas Schierbaum , IRT MunichKlaus Illigner, IRT Munich Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles: