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Un hotel para los trabajadores

2006. De Roberto Di Chiara. Informe periodístico, realizado en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en el Hotel BAUEN, tomado por sus trabajadores luego de la crisis de vaciamento. Hoy forman una cooperativa que vuelve a funcionar. La palabra de su nuevo presidente, Marcelo Ruarte y el jefe de prensa del hotel, Gerardo Pensavalle Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Costing the Earth: the Treath to Europe's Soils

Arnold Hertlog and his wife Huguette have always loved tending their garden in the small Flemish town of Saint Armands, far from Brussels. But the garden hasn't looked like this.In 1998 the couple were told that their home - along with more than hundred neighbouring houses - was sitting on an environmental time bomb. It was discovered that the earth was contaminated with poisonous compounds including arsenic and mercury.
Interviews:Huguette Hertog, Saint Amands resident Arnold Hertlog, Saint Amands resident Victor Dries, OVAM-Flemish Public Waste AgencyStavros Dimas, ... continua

Intervento di Andrea Sandra

Riprese effettuate durante la manifestazione di rilancio, in vista degli ultimi mesi di raccolta firme, della petizione "Mai più come al G8", promossa da Comitato Verità e Giustizia per Genova e Comitato Piazza Carlo Giuliani.

La pompeya

2006. De Roberto Di Chiara. Informe periodístico desde Buenos Aires, de una tradicional panadería, única en el país de especialidades italianas. Con la llegada de la imigración italiana a Argentina, vino la familia napolitana de los Frate. Hoy su hijo Eduardo, nos cuenta la experiencia vivida en ochenta y cinco años. Como se instalaron, las especialidades artesanales, con recetas milenarias. La vida en un nuevo país y el futuro de sus nietos en el negocio, al cual concurren compradores de lejanos lugares
Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara
Visita el sitio: ... continua


Invitados especiales:

Los Bunkers

Chancho en Piedra

Mecánica Popular

Pancho Sazo de Congreso

Trabajo, que recoge en 19 temas lo que fueron las intensas e históricas jornadas de música en el Estadio Víctor Jara el 20, 21 y 22 de Agosto de 2004.


El tinku


Simón Bolívar


Danza di calaluna


La exiliada del sur

El arado

Canto negro

Premonición a la muerte de Murieta


Entre morir y no ... continua

Still Too Few Women in European Research

Now in "Futuris": astrophysics, robotics and nanotechnlogy - women in groundbreaking European projects tell their story. Interviews:Anja Andresen, Astrophysicist at DARK Cosmology Centre at the Copenhagen University Alessandra Pavesio, Head of Research at Fidia Pharma in Abano Terme (PD) ItalyAurélie Clodic, Resercher at the LAAS Institute of CNRS in Toulouse, FranceGaelle Covo, Project Manager at the Institute of CNRS in Toulouse, France Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Intervento di Vittorio Agnoletto

Riprese effettuate durante la manifestazione di rilancio, in vista degli ultimi mesi di raccolta firme, della petizione "Mai più come al G8", promossa da Comitato Verità e Giustizia per Genova e Comitato Piazza Carlo Giuliani.

Via Anelli

A ten-minute survey of the Padua "ghetto" in October 2006.Padua houses one of the main drug peddling centres in north-east Italy. The city's authorities are walling in the buildings in the ghetto, one after the other, in order to retrieve the area from the criminal element. Families are being relocated in apartments or provisional accommodation selected by the city council and often only available for a maximum period of three months. The Islamic community is at the same time building a new mosque in record time and celebrating the end of Ramadan. Journalists from ... continua

Intervento di Raffaela Bolini

Riprese effettuate durante la manifestazione di rilancio, in vista degli ultimi mesi di raccolta firme, della petizione "Mai più come al G8", promossa da Comitato Verità e Giustizia per Genova e Comitato Piazza Carlo Giuliani.

Fantasmas asustados

1951. De Carlos Rinaldi. Largometraje argentino, en castellano y blanco y negro. Intérpretes, Los Cinco Grandes del Buen Humor y Susana Campos. Film cómico, con la participación de Los Grandes, conocidos en toda América Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com