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Intervista a Moni Ovadia

Intervista a Moni Ovadia sulla situazione in Medio Oriente. Biografia di Moni Ovadia

06)- Foro Social Mundial: Discurso de Luis Inácio Lula da Silva

Coumba Toure, portavoz del GCAP (Llamada Global de Acción contra la Pobreza) en África presenta al presidente brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Lula expresó la urgencia del llamado mundial contra la pobreza y habló ante 12.000 personas en el estadio Gigantinho luciendo una banda blanca, el símbolo de la campaña. Visita el sitio: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

Glorifying the American Girl

1929 - Musical

Vic Morrow stars as Michael Cardiff, a professional assasin who seeks revenge on those responsible for his past prison sentence. By disguising himself as a black South African, he sets his plan while foiling the police. Van Dissel plays the cop, Roos who is dedicated and stops at nothing. Nicely filmed in South Africa complete with period music, clothes, and cars. I reccomend it highly to those who enjoy films set in Africa (The Wild Geese, Dogs of War, Fatal Assasin) Good action scenes and vintage depiction of apartheid Suid Afrika.
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04)- Foro Social Mundial: Discurso de Wahu Kaara

El brazo africano de la convocatoria "Llamada Global a la Acción contra la Pobreza", Wahu Kaara, de Kenya, enfatiza en que llegó la hora en que los pobres recuperen el control de sus destinos y sus futuros. "No existen disculpas para el hambre en el mundo", dijo. Visita el sitio: www.forumsocialmundial.org.br

Funeral for an Assassin

1987 - Crime / Drama

Vic Morrow stars as Michael Cardiff, a professional assasin who seeks revenge on those responsible for his past prison sentence. By disguising himself as a black South African, he sets his plan while foiling the police. Van Dissel plays the cop, Roos who is dedicated and stops at nothing. Nicely filmed in South Africa complete with period music, clothes, and cars. I reccomend it highly to those who enjoy films set in Africa (The Wild Geese, Dogs of War, Fatal Assasin) Good action scenes and vintage depiction of apartheid Suid Afrika.
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02)- Foro Social Mundial: Discurso de John Samuel

El indio John Samuel, representante del sector asiático de la campaña "Llamada Global a la Acción contra la Pobreza", comenta que "necesitamos un cambio en las políticas y en las agendas nacionales e internacionales. En un tiempo en el que las bombas, la seguridad y el terror dominan la agenda política, es imperativo poner a la pobreza en el centro del debate gubernamental. No podemos quedarnos quietos mientras 50.000 personas mueren por culpa de la pobreza cada día y los ricos y poderosos prefieren ignorarlo. El GCAP es una llamada de atención para movilizar a ... continua

Four Robbers

1987 - Action / Martial Arts

The plot concerns four criminals from mainland China who go to Hong Kong to make their fortune. Just because I used the word plot shouldn't lead you to think that it makes any sense. It doesn't. The main point of this movie is the tight relationship of the four robbers. The humorless leader is always going on about his principles while he's shooting and stealing. But the real stars of this movie are the people who did the dubbing. I guess they were bored or drunk or something because they do some hilarious voices. There is a ... continua

01)- Foro Social Mundial: Llamado contra la pobreza

Con la presencia del presidente brasileño Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, se lanza en el estadio Gigantinho la "Llamada Global de Acción contra la Pobreza" (GCAP, por sus siglas en inglés), el mayor movimiento mundial de movilización para pedir a los gobiernos que cumplan las promesas que han hecho para erradicar la pobreza: Reglas comerciales más justas; mayor y mejor ayuda; la completa condonación de la deuda externa; transparencia y la rendición de cuentas de todos los gobiernos en sus planes para eliminar la pobreza y alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo del ... continua

30 anni a Santiago

di Pietro Raschilla

Jack London

1943 - Adventure

Episodes in the novelist's life: In 1890, young Jack London quits a cannery job to try oyster piracy. Later, he signs on for a sealing voyage, tries Yukon prospecting and a brief university career, loving and leaving women along the way. Instead of riches, he gets story ideas. Suddenly, he finds success and a delectable lady; but the urge to adventure won't let him go.
Directed by: Alfred Santell
Writing credits:Isaac Don Levine, Charmian London

Complete credited cast:
Michael O'Shea Susan HaywardOsa ... continua