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50 years of Protecting Europe's Enviroment

Fifty years ago when the Common Market was born, what people wanted most was peace and prosperity for Europe. Caring for the enviroment didn't feature in the founding Treaty of Rome. Yet enviromental problems were not far away.
Europe's love affair with the car was
Interviews:Jan van den Heuvel: Rijmond Enviromental Protection Agency.
Hans Egli: Local Resident.
Bill Duncan : Assurre.
Tony Musu: Chemicals Expert - Europe Trade Union Institute.
Tony Long: WWF.
Stavros Dimas: EU Envirometn Commissioner.
José Manual Barroso: European Comission President.
Paul ... continua

Somos insignificantes

Viaje dentro del macro y del microcosmos para descubrir algunas cosas sobre nuestro ser. Un viaje hecho gracias a las leyes de la ciencia que nos permiten ver algunas caractriísticas de la materia de la que somos hechos. El video fue tomado por un file Power Point que circula libremente en la red. Para bajar el file PPS clica aquí

Intervento di Sergio Golinelli

Sergio Golinelli, assessore provinciale all'Ambiente della provinica di Ferrara. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

8) - The World Says NO to war

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

Intervento di Pierluigi Sullo

Pierluigi Sullo, Pierluigi Sullo è il direttore di Carta. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

Salvador Allende - un filme de Patricio Guzmán

Este homenaje que rinde Guzmán al ex presidente de Chile nos recuerda el sueño radiante que vivió su generación (donde política y utopía eran sinónimos). La obra es directa. No tiene informaciones explicativas ni demostrativas sino que ofrece un espacio de reflexión humana y personal a la vez que histórica. El resultado es un película generosa. "Salvador Allende" hizo 120.000 entradas en Francia con 34 copias durante 5 meses (de septiembre a enero de 2005). Fue estrenada en salas de: Bélgica, España, Suiza, Grecia, México, Austria, Italia, Canadá, ... continua

7) - Globalization at Gunpoint - The Economics of Occupation

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

Síntesis del Foro Humanista Europeo, Noviembre 2006

Video-síntesis del Foro Humanista Europeo celebrado en Lisboa los dias 3, 4 y 5 de Noviembre del 2006. Más información en: www.europeanhumanistforum.org Video presentado por Mercè Duch, miembro del equipo organizador del Foro Humanista Europeo. Contacto: merceduch@gmail.com

Intervento di Paolo Martinez

Paolo Martinez, rappresentante di Agenda 21 di Empoli e metodi partecipativi. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

06) - Erasing Memory - The Cultural Destruction of Iraq

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua