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A Tattered Web

1971 - Crime / Drama A detective discovers his son-in-law is cheating on his wife. He confronts the other woman and accidentally kills her.. Directed by:Paul Wendkos Writing credits:Art Wallace Complete credited cast: Lloyd Bridges Frank ConverseSallie ShockleyMurray HamiltonBroderick CrawfordAnne HelmJohn FiedlerVal AveryWhit BissellWalter BrookeJoseph BernardEllen CorbyRoy JensonJames Hong Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

016)- Mesas de trabajo - Raul Fornet y Betancourt

Defensa de la veracidad y pluralidad informativa Segundo encuentro Realizado en la Sala - Iran, FAO 4° Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad Visita il sito:

Telegiornale Spazio Aperto N°001

Telegiornale Spazio Aperto N°1 Alex Zanotelli A cura di Massimo Bonella In collaborazione con Teleidea Chianciano Biografia di Massimo Bonella

Research on underwater mud volcanoes

The oceans are home to 90% of life on earth, which is why it is essential to study their functions. That is precisely the aim of the HERMES project (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas) initiated under the Sixth European Research Framework Programme. One of the subjects being explored by HERMES is mud volcanoes, and more specifically underwater mud volcanoes.
Mud volcanoes are cone-shaped formations of sediment, of variable size. They are composed of a mixture of fluids (generally water and gases) and mud (undercompacted clay), which flow from ... continua

015)- Mesas de trabajo - Webster Malido

Defensa de la veracidad y pluralidad informativa Segundo encuentro Realizado en la Sala - Iran, FAO 4° Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad Visita il sito:

Intervista a Lorenzo Tonini

Rappresentante della società PROBIOS, distributrice di alimenti biologichi. Registrata durante Terra Futura, la mostra-convegno per presentare e promuovere tutte le iniziative che già sperimentano e utilizzano modelli di relazioni e reti sociali, di consumo, di produzione, di finanza, di commercio sostenibili: idee virtuose che, se adottate e diffuse, contriburebbero a garantire la salvaguardia dell?ambiente e la tutela dei diritti delle persone e dei popoli. Intervista realizzata in collaborazione con Metamorfosi Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

Safer chemicals within REACH

The report was filmed partially in Spain, on the site of the Ardystil tragedy, where six workers died and another 80 were disabled in 1992 as a result of the spraying of chemical products. The film presents the guidelines of the REACH Regulation and shows the efforts of the textile industry to apply the substitution principle and to keep dangerous products out of fabric used for clothing. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

014)- Mesas de trabajo - Luigi Cortesi

Defensa de la veracidad y pluralidad informativa Segundo encuentro Realizado en la Sala - Iran, FAO 4° Encuentro Mundial de Intelectuales y Artistas en Defensa de la Humanidad Visita il sito:

intervista a Lorenzo Guadagnucci

Lorenzo Guadagnucci è giornalista economico al "Resto del Carlino". È autore di Noi della Diaz (Berti 2001, Distratti dalla libertà (Berti 2003). Coinvolto nei fatti della scuola Diaz, durante le giornate contro il G8, è tra gli animatori del comitato "Verità e giustizia per Genova".In questa intervista parla della sua ultima pubblicazione "la crisi di crescita".
Registrata durante Terra Futura, la mostra-convegno per presentare e promuovere tutte le iniziative che già sperimentano e utilizzano modelli di relazioni e reti sociali, di consumo, di produzione, di ... continua

EU to step prevention of alcohol related-harm

The TV report "EU steps up prevention of alcohol-related harm" shows how alcohol consumption is a growing health, social and economic problem in Europe. The problem is acute among teenagers, as shown by the following drinking patterns, shown in the video : "Binge-drinking" in the United Kingdom means drinking high amounts of alcohol in a single session. The terminology might be new but the phenomenon has long been practised in the UK, and increasingly for 15 years. "El botellòn" (the big bottle), in Spain, consists of heavy consumption of alcohol (a mixture of soda, ... continua