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That's wild: in the heart of the Colorado wilderness

An award-winning documentary that tells the inspiring journey of three underserved teenage boys from Atlanta who attempt to climb four 12,000 ft snow-capped peaks in the heart of the Colorado wilderness.

The Amish dilemma

Three generations of Amish make a rare decision to tell their stories after months of reflection and debate with their pastors. How can they live between an ancestral ideology and a civilization of consumption pushed to the extreme? This documentary raises questions about the notion of individual freedom, belonging to a minority, economic and social norms, as well as the place of women.

The LGBT communities throughout history

Join us for a moment of reflection, which invites us to think and ask ourselves questions, to be open to change and to understand all the facts concerning the LGBTQIA+ community Genders, orientation, pronouns, rights, transformation and evolution.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) social movements is a political ideology and social movement that advocate for the full acceptance of LGBT people in society. In these movements, LGBT people and their allies have a long history of campaigning for what is now generally called LGBT rights, sometimes also called ... continua

The Manster

An American reporter in Japan is sent to interview an eccentric Japanese scientist working on bizarre experiments in his mountain laboratory. When the doctor realizes that the hapless correspondent is the perfect subject for his next experiment, he drugs the unfortunate man and injects him with a serum that gradually transforms him into a hideous, two-headed monster.

The Niger Delta, a war for crude oil

After half a century, oil has become the cause of corruption, kidnapping and civil war in the Niger Delta. Black gold has awakened the most insatiable appetites and caused the largest oil spill in the history of Africa.

The chaos of America's food system

A vital investigation of the economic and environmental instability of America's food system, from the agricultural issues we face - soil loss, water depletion, climate change, pesticide use - to the community of leaders who are determined to fix it. Sustainable is a film about the land, the people who work it, and what must be done to sustain it for future generations.

The end of Jim Morrison

1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts. Jim Morrison had become a music legend...until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning... until the end.

The irish revolution - 100 anni di Irlanda sovrana

Nel pieno della prima guerra mondiale, con l'insurrezione di un gruppo di indipendentisti nel Lunedì di Pasqua del 1916, si apre ufficialmente la "Rivoluzione irlandese". Nei primi anni del XX secolo, infatti, gli ideali di emancipazione dall'Impero Britannico si espandono rapidamente presso la classe media urbana e istruita. Ma quand'è che nasce esattamente un'Irlanda indipendente e sovrana? L'11 luglio 2021, con la tregua concessa dalla Gran Bretagna e la fine della guerra dell'IRA? Il 6 dicembre 1922, con il Trattato anglo-irlandese negoziato da Michael Collins e ... continua

Visita: www.arte.tv

The last winter of the Tsaatan

Deep in the sub-Arctic boreal forest of far Northern Mongolia, straddling the border of Russian Siberia, a unique minority group lives in the sprawling tundra. Practicing the same way of life for thousands of years, this indigenous tribe is among the world’s smallest ethnic minorities and last reindeer herding nomads. But today, the Tsaatan people are facing a threat which may have a great impact on their survival: the government of Ulan Bator wants to force all children to go to school from the age of 6.
For these families, it is a heartbreak. And it is also a ... continua

The price of shame - Monica Lewinsky

In 1998, says Monica Lewinsky, “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously”. Today, the kind of online public shaming she went through has become a constant. In a brave talk, she takes a look at our “culture of humiliation,” in which online shame equals dollar signs - and demands a different way.