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Ruanda: il tempo del perdono

Il 7 aprile 2024 il Ruanda commemora il 30° anniversario del traumatico genocidio che segnò per sempre la storia di questo piccolo "Paese dalle mille colline". Tra il 7 aprile e il 17 luglio 1994, in cento giorni, furono massacrati un milione di persone di etnia Tutsi, e una minoranza di Hutu moderati. Nel "Nuovo" Ruanda del Presidente Kagame, i riferimenti alle identità originarie sono stati banditi dalla sfera pubblica. Il Paese sta proseguendo sulla strada dell'unità nazionale e della riconciliazione.

Visita: www.arte.tv

Daily Show for August 02, 2024 Democracy Now!

We speak with journalist Marc Lamont Hill amid Donald Trump’s ongoing attacks on the racial identity of Vice President Kamala Harris. The Republican presidential nominee was interviewed this week at the annual convention of the National Association of Black Journalists, where he claimed Harris “happened to turn Black” for political expediency, even though she has always been open about her Jamaican and Indian American parents and identifies as both Black and South Asian. Following backlash to his comments, Trump dug in and continued to attack Harris on social ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Son of Fukushima

Saishi è un agricoltore giapponese che ha ripreso l'attività della fattoria di suo padre. All'indomani del disastro nucleare di Fukushima, però, è stato costretto ad abbandonarla e a trasferirsi, finché il governo non ha avviato la decontaminazione della zona, permettendogli di farvi ritorno. Girato nell'arco di cinque anni, questo toccante documentario illustra la lotta di una famiglia al cospetto di una situazione inimmaginabile.

Visita: www.arte.tv

Salomé respira di nuovo

Salomé ha 25 anni ma la sua vita non è come quella di tante sue coetanee. Avendo sofferto di fibrosi cistica fin dall’infanzia, ha imparato a convivere con la malattia. Quando le sue condizioni sono peggiorate improvvisamente, ha potuto beneficiare di un trapianto di polmone. L'operazione le ha permesso di voltare pagina e di iniziare una nuova vita.

Visita: www.arte.tv

Saving the Dancing Bears - India

For over 400 years, in India, the rare Sloth Bear was targeted for human exploitation…first for the emperors, then as roadside entertainment for villagers and tourists who paid to watch the bears jump, conditioned after years of abuse by trainers.
Given the ongoing legacy of cruelty, two individuals decided to stop this practice, rescue the bears still in captivity and create a sanctuary where they can heal and live in safety for the rest of their lives. This is the story of the founders of WILDLIFE SOS-Kartik Satyanarayan and Geeta Seshamani. Early on, they ... continua

Daily Show for August 12, 2024 Democracy Now!

The official death toll in Gaza now stands at just under 40,000, though the true number of casualties is likely far higher with many thousands of the dead unaccounted for. In one of the deadliest attacks of the entire war, Israel on Saturday bombed the al-Tabin school in Gaza City where thousands of Palestinians had sought shelter. Officials in Gaza say over 100 Palestinians were killed in the attack, many of them while they were praying at a mosque inside the school. Many of the dead were dismembered or destroyed beyond recognition, with medics reportedly collecting ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Le Canarie, La Gomera e il poliamore

Da oltre cinque anni ormai, una Comune dell'isola di La Gomera (Canarie) pratica uno stile di vita alternativo, basato sull'amore libero. I suoi membri hanno scelto di liberarsi dalle convenzioni sociali e di vivere relazioni poliamorose...

Visita: www.arte.tv

Men of the city: Four destinies during the economic crisis

Marc Isaacs chronicles the destinies of Londoners from various social classes during the current economic crisis. Shot in the City, the financial center, the film centers on four main characters, from the trader who lost his family because of his compulsive focus on the financial markets, to the street sweeper seeking inner peace in a life of spirituality. With images of the eternally rainy capital and impressive music, Isaacs fluidly balances his portraits of men struggling to find their place in the London anthill.

Daily Show for August 09, 2024 Democracy Now!

We go to Dhaka for an update as Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus is sworn in to lead Bangladesh’s caretaker government just days after the ouster of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who resigned and fled the country amid a wave of student-led protests over inequality and corruption. Yunus is known as the “banker to the poor” and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his work developing microloans that helped lift millions out of poverty. Yunus thanked Bangladeshi youth for giving the country a “rebirth” and vowed to work for the public ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for August 14, 2024 Democracy Now!

The United Auto Workers has filed federal labor charges against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk, accusing them of illegally attempting to threaten and intimidate workers who go on strike. The UAW’s complaint comes in response to comments made by Trump during a discussion with Musk Monday on the social media platform X, which Musk owns. The Wall Street Journal reports that Musk is funding a new super PAC to help Trump in swing states and return him to the White House. There have been reports Musk was planning to spend ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org