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Daily Show for July 02, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily Show for July 29, 2024 Democracy Now!

Republican vice-presidential nominee Ohio Senator JD Vance has doubled down on his sexist remarks that Democrats are led by “childless cat ladies,” claiming the party is anti-family. He made the original comment on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show in 2021. He has also previously suggested parents should be given more votes than childless people. “I just find the entire line of attack to be ridiculous and also unpopular,” says New York Times opinion writer Jessica Grose, who notes that Republicans generally also oppose paid leave, universal child care and other ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for July 30, 2024 Democracy Now!

Just a month after the Supreme Court granted former President Donald Trump broad immunity from prosecution for crimes committed in office, President Joe Biden has laid out a plan to reform the court. On Monday, Biden called for 18-year term limits, an enforceable code of ethics and an end to presidential immunity, though he stopped short of supporting court expansion. “This is a pretty big deal,” says Jennifer Ahearn, senior counsel in the Brennan Center’s Judiciary Program, though she notes that “politically, we have a ways to go before the views of the ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Cybermondo - Il futuro è adesso

"Cyber" deriva da un'antica parola greca che significa "controllare"; ma siamo davvero in grado di dominare tecnologie che sfuggono al nostro controllo? Dall'epoca delle interferenze straniere nelle elezioni statunitensi e nella campagna sulla Brexit (2016) le evoluzioni dell'informatica hanno assunto un ruolo quasi totalizzante nelle nostre vite, sia nella sfera privata che in quella professionale. Dall'invenzione di Internet alla corsa all'oro "digitale" (i dati degli utenti), senza dimenticare la frenesia attorno all'intelligenza artificiale e l'incombenza della ... continua

Visita: www.arte.tv

Daily Show for July 17, 2024 Democracy Now!

On Tuesday night, several of Donald Trump’s former rivals endorsed the Trump ticket, including former Ambassador Nikki Haley, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Vivek Ramaswamy. Much of the evening focused on the Republican Party’s hard-line border and immigration policies. The 2024 Republican platform backs Trump’s pledge to carry out the “largest deportation operation in American history” and to stop what it calls a “migrant crime epidemic.” We speak with journalist Jean Guerrero, who says what was shown at the RNC was the ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Al limite - Sanità al collasso

Come si fa a fornire cure degne di questo nome quando l'ospedale stesso è malato? Arricchito delle fotografie in bianco e nero di Pénélope Chauvelot, sublimi intermezzi di quiete nel pieno dell'emergenza, questo documentario malinconico ma decisamente politico esplora la crisi della medicina psichiatrica e il collasso delle strutture sanitarie pubbliche, specchio di una società che relega i più fragili ai margini e spinge chi li cura oltre i propri limiti. Con intelligenza e umanità, la macchina da presa di Nicolas Peduzzi penetra con discrezione nelle stanze di ... continua

Visita: www.arte.tv

Daily Show for July 19, 2024 Democracy Now!

We host a roundtable the morning after Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for president on Thursday, just five days after surviving an assassination attempt, delivering the longest acceptance speech in convention history. Trump began with a somber recounting of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, when a bullet grazed his right ear, and soon went off script to deliver a rambling diatribe against various political enemies and repeatedly demonized immigrants. “The first three or four days of the convention were pitched as a display of unity,” says ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for July 24, 2024 Democracy Now!

As the death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza tops 39,100, tens of thousands of protesters plan to march on Capitol Hill today during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress. Dozens of Democratic lawmakers plan to boycott the speech, including Senators Dick Durbin, Chris Van Hollen, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Bernie Sanders. “Congress has made a terrible mistake in inviting Netanyahu,” says award-winning Israeli scholar David Harel, who co-authored a New York Times essay, “We Are Israelis Calling on Congress to ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Possiamo aggirare il nostro DNA?

Il nostro patrimonio genetico determina molte delle caratteristiche psico-fisiche e attitudinali che possediamo: corporatura, altezza, colore degli occhi, fino alla predisposizione (o meno) a specifiche attività, come la musica. È possibile controllare i meccanismi che attivano e inibiscono i nostri geni, come cerca di fare l'epigenetica?

Visita: www.arte.tv

Daily Show for August 27, 2024 Democracy Now!

We speak with Human Rights Watch researcher Milena Ansari about the organization’s new report detailing the torture of Palestinian medical workers in Israeli prisons. HRW spoke with eight doctors, paramedics and nurses who were picked up in Gaza before being transferred to the notorious Sde Teiman camp and other facilities, where they say they suffered beatings, starvation, humiliation, electric shocks and other forms of abuse. The men also describe threats of sexual violence during brutal interrogations and seeing another prisoner bleeding after being gang-raped ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org