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Olympia: The origins of the games

Learn how games were played in the 8th century BC and what rules the athletes of the time had to follow.

Interrogation: how it's done in America

Why would someone confess to a crime they didn't commit? We hear from the men and women who have spent more than 20 years in prison for crimes they did not commit. They tell us about that moment when, in the darkness of the interrogation room, cut off from the world and terrified by police officers, they finally said what the interrogators wanted to hear.. the moment their lives changed forever.

The end of Jim Morrison

1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts. Jim Morrison had become a music legend...until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning... until the end.

Vivere senza acqua corrente né elettricità - Per scelta

Nel tentativo di ridurre il proprio impatto climatico, alcune persone hanno deciso di mettere completamente da parte le comodità moderne e il consumismo. Sia su un'isola deserta che nella campagna gallese, si impegnano a non lasciare tracce e ad aiutare a prevenire il collasso climatico. Ciò significa, in alcuni casi, vivere senza acqua corrente o elettricità...

Visita: www.arte.tv

Jihad: trying to live life in Aleppo

Life in Aleppo under JIHADist control

Pentedattilo: un villaggio fantasma in Calabria

Situata nell'estremo sud d'Italia, Pentedattilo è una città fantasma. 40 anni fa, Rossella Aquilanti ha deciso di venire a vivere in questo paradiso abbandonato. Era l'unica abitante fino all'insediamento di una giovane maliana, Maka Tounkara, arrivata nella penisola italiana due anni fa su una barca di fortuna. Insieme vogliono salvare Pentedattilo.

Visita: www.arte.tv

Crazy for Madonna

A biography of a universal icon of music and Hollywood, Madonna, better known as the Queen of Pop. Sabbatical Entertainment celebrates Madonna’s illustrious career spanning more than four decades, always pushing the boundaries of entertainment. Not afraid of controversy, the Material girl, through her talents, redefined pop culture history.

L'ossessione per i muscoli tra i giovani

Convinti che i muscoli debbano essere scolpiti ai massimi livelli, sempre più giovani aspirano ad un modello di bellezza quasi irraggiungibile, veicolato dai social network. Questo desiderio del corpo perfetto si traduce in pratiche quotidiane, sportive e alimentari, che rasentano l'ossessione.

Visita: www.arte.tv

The wild nature of France

Journeying from North to South through Jura, Brittany, the Loire Valley, Auvergne, Aquitaine, the Rhone Valley, Provence and the Pyrenees, the documentary film will tell the stories of the living world surrounding us, grounded in scientific and naturalist observations. At times funny and unusual, poetic and magical, the captivating images tell of a crucial moment in the lives of animals and their habitats, encountering the men and women dedicated to their cause on the way. More than ever, the film will honor the incredible biodiversity of France’s wilderness.

The chaos of America's food system

A vital investigation of the economic and environmental instability of America's food system, from the agricultural issues we face - soil loss, water depletion, climate change, pesticide use - to the community of leaders who are determined to fix it. Sustainable is a film about the land, the people who work it, and what must be done to sustain it for future generations.