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The success of the d-day landing - Colorized world war II

One of the main reasons for the success of the D-Day landings was the element of surprise, the incredibly huge invasion force, congregating along the south coast of England went undetected by German Intelligence. Hitler's Generals believed the stormy weather meant it would be mission impossible, and it almost was. Narrated by Liam Dale

Libano: la rapina del secolo

Dal 2019, il Libano è in preda ad una crisi economica e finanziaria senza precedenti: come si è arrivati fin qui, dai tempi in cui Beirut era considerata "la Svizzera del Medioriente"? Grazie all'apporto di significative testimonianze, questa inchiesta illustra come un manipolo di leader corrotti abbia organizzato ciò che è fuor di dubbio il più grande caso di appropriazione indebita della storia del paese dei Cedri.

Visita: www.arte.tv

The last winter of the Tsaatan

Deep in the sub-Arctic boreal forest of far Northern Mongolia, straddling the border of Russian Siberia, a unique minority group lives in the sprawling tundra. Practicing the same way of life for thousands of years, this indigenous tribe is among the world’s smallest ethnic minorities and last reindeer herding nomads. But today, the Tsaatan people are facing a threat which may have a great impact on their survival: the government of Ulan Bator wants to force all children to go to school from the age of 6.
For these families, it is a heartbreak. And it is also a ... continua

Adozioni forzate: uno scandalo irlandese

In Irlanda, essere ragazze-madri è stata per lungo tempo considerata un'ignominia: in un Paese dalla forte impronta cattolica, più di 50.000 donne sono state in passato collocate in appositi dormitori e separate dai loro figli, dati in adozione ad altre famiglie. Molti di questi bambini sono ora alla ricerca delle loro madri biologiche, e lottano per far emergere la loro esperienza.

Visita: www.arte.tv

Saving elephants - India

Wildlife SOS is an NGO, that rescues wildlife across India. In Saving Elephants, we see how this team of experts reduces human-animal conflict by creating a unique elephant collaring and tracking program to alert communities about potentially destructive wild herds in their area. We also see their rescue of an ailing 60-year-old blind elephant named Nina, who for years had been exploited for use in traditional weddings and as entertainment.

Paris: A wild story

Paris: A Wild Story relates the destinies of animals that stroll through town in search of food, love and adventures while men go about their daily lives. There exists a wild and unsung Paris that we do not suspect. Let's take a walk on the city's wild side, and set off in search of its secret tales.

Elvis, one of the greatest entertainers of all times?

A biography of the King of Rock and Roll. From his birth in Tupelo, Mississippi, through his meteoric rise, join us as we highlight some of the milestones that formed Elvis into one of the greatest entertainers of all times.

Somalia, the modern pirates

For several months, from the Seychelles Islands to the Somali coast, Olivier Joulie went to meet fishing bosses, soldiers and even pirates... His very detailed investigation betrays the disarray that reigns in a region where fish catches are multiplying hostages.
Covering two million square kilometers, from the Indian Ocean to the Gulf of Aden, the area has become one of all dangers. In 2009, more than two hundred ships were victims of acts of piracy there. Giant oil tankers, cruise ships or fishing boats, no building is safe. In Port Victoria, the crews of Spanish ... continua

Oh, Dior! fashion, passion and business

Sabbatical Entertainment’s exclusive original documentary admires Christian Dior, the famous French fashion designer whose post–World War II creations were wildly popular and whose legacy continues to influence the fashion industry.

Operation carpetbagger: The secret mission to end world war II

This is the story of one of the most Top Secret Missions of world war II, called Operation Carpetbagger, and features some of the key players who flew and crewed the Heavy B-24D Liberators that trained and participated in the missions. Including, Waist Gunner and Engineer, Henry D. MacMillan Jr. and the William's Crew. Also featuring commentary from some of the war hero's friends and family members.