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CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
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French Foreign Legion, inhuman recruitment!

Every year, 10,000 young people from all over the world come to the Selection and Incorporation Center of the Aubagne Foreign Legion. Only 10% will pass the entrance tests. The American Lim, the Malagasy Vaifana, the French Liénart and Revel hope to be part of this elite troop. At the same time, a few kilometers from Sper Kunday, in Afghanistan, 250 legionaries hold an advanced combat post surrounded by insurgents. Harassment is daily ...

出路 (Education, education) - 为什么贫穷? - 纪录片

良好的教育能否摆脱贫困? 在中国古代,教育是摆脱贫困的唯一途径,而在近代,良好的教育是摆脱贫困最好的途径。 中国的经济繁荣和对艰苦奋斗精神的言论,使得人们产生了学习就能脱贫的期望。 但是现如今,中国的高等教育体系只带来了很少的工作机会,教育出了失业和绝望的新一代。

Visita: www.thewhy.dk

耕者无其田 (Land Rush) - 为什么贫穷? - 纪录片

以他们自己的方式,马里的农民能否对抗粮食短缺和摆脱贫困? 75%的马里人口是农民,但像中国和沙特阿拉伯这样的富裕却渴望土地的国家为了将大片土地变成农业综合企业农场,正在租赁马里的土地。 许多马里农民不欢迎这些力量,视其为帝国主义的另一体现。 随着马里发生军事政变,开发商被吓到了-但是马里的农民能否以他们自己的方式对抗粮食短缺和摆脱贫困呢?

Visita: www.thewhy.dk

Sylvia Earle: How to protect the oceans

Legendary ocean researcher Sylvia Earle shares astonishing images of the ocean -- and shocking stats about its rapid decline -- as she makes her TED Prize wish: that we will join her in protecting the vital blue heart of the planet. La leggendaria ricercatrice marina Sylvia Earle offre stupefacenti immagini dell'oceano - insieme a dati scioccanti sul suo rapido declino - mentre fa il suo appello TED Prize a tutti noi: di dedicarci insieme a lei a proteggere il vitale cuore blu del pianeta.

Ecco come utilizzo il sonar per esplorare il mondo

Daniel Kish è cieco dalla tenera età di 13 mesi, ma ha imparato a vedere utilizzando una forma di eco-localizzazione. Con lo schiocco della lingua invia dei segnali sonori che rimbalzano sulle superfici dell'ambiente e tornano indietro, aiutandolo ad immaginare lo spazio che lo circonda. In un discorso appassionante, Kish dimostra come funziona questo sistema e ci chiede di abbandonare la nostra paura del "buio ignoto".