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Maurizio Martucci: 5G Il futuro che ci aspetta

Intervista al coordinatore nazionale di Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G. Dai rischi per la salute ad un mondo robotizzato. Le complicità dei politici. L'orrore del credito sociale. Cosa possono fare i cittadini che vogliono opporsi alla proliferazione del 5G.

Visita: contro.tv

Woody Woodpecker Season03 Special - Around the World with Woody

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season05 Special - Woodys News Reel

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Paulo Freire: pedagogía del oprimido

DOCUMENTALES.- Paulo Freire fue un pedagogo y filósofo brasileño, destacado defensor de la pedagogía crítica. Es conocido por su influyente trabajo, Pedagogía del oprimido. La serie “Maestros de América Latina” es una producción del Laboratorio de Medios Audiovisuales de la Universidad Pedagógica, para la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Cultura y la Educación.

Silvano Tagliagambe: Pauli e Jung. Un confronto su materia e psiche

Sabato 21 maggio - Palazzo Trinci - Foligno Festa di Scienza e Filosofia 2011

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Mirella Orsi - Women's Creativity: le inventrici che hanno cambiato il mondo

Science Writer e divulgatrice scientifica freelance residente a Londra. Laureata in Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche, lavora nel settore giornalistico, spaziando dalla scrittura alla divulgazione, passando per il giornalismo radiofonico. Collaborazioni attuali includono tra gli altri: Sciencenutshell, Italoeuropeo e LondonOneradio. È Membro della Association of British Science Writers.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Africa speaks

Africa speaks! is a 1930 American documentary film directed by Walter Futter and narrated by Lowell Thomas.

Iron mask

1952 re-release of the 1929 film, narrated by Douglas Fairbanks Jr. Based on the Futher Adventures of the Three Musketeers
The failure of the original copyright holder to renew the film's copyright resulted in it falling into public domain, meaning that virtually anyone could duplicate and sell a VHS/DVD copy of the film. Therefore, many of the versions of this film available on the market are either severely (and usually badly) edited and/or of extremely poor quality, having been duped from second- or third-generation (or more) copies of the film.
The Iron Mask is ... continua

Paradise isle

Paradise isle is a 1937 American film directed by Arthur Greville Collins.

Rocky Jones, Space Ranger

Cruising the galaxy in his space ship "The Orbit Jet" Space Ranger, Rocky Jones (Richard Crane), Vena Ray (Sally Mansfield), and 10 year-old Bobby (Robert Lyden) defend the Earth and themselves against space-bound evil doers. A couple of missiles strike earth and Rocky and the gang go to find out where they are coming from. They end up on a moon of Jupiter which is perfect for their survival. They are lucky to land because they have run out of gas. At least their gas gauge says so.