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Frolics on Ice

Everything's on Ice is a 1939 American film directed by Erle C. Kenton. The film is also known as Frolics on Ice (American video title).

Dough and dynamite

Charlie Chaplin's 29th Released Oct. 26 1914 The story involves Chaplin and Chester Conklin working as waiters at a restaurant where the cooks go on strike. When the two are forced to work as bakers, the striking cooks put dynamite in the dough, with explosive results. Dough and Dynamite was one of two Charlie Chaplin films that were to be shown at a special event in September, 2001. However, in the light of 9/11, it was taken off the list of films as it ends with Charlie walking out of a blown up building.
Dough and dynamite is a 1914 American comedy silent film ... continua

Detrás de la razón - México, riqueza de EU y pobreza de África

'No comemos lo que la gente rica come, con su guisado, con su ensalada. ¿Usted ha visto a la gente rica? Sí... una vez'.
Esta señora no sólo no tiene acceso a la comida de la gente que tiene dinero, es que ni siquiera tiene la posibilidad de saber cómo es esa gente.
Es como si existiera otra realidad, como si ellos fueran de otra especie. La señora se lleva las manos a su rostro, se seca las lágrimas y dice: "es muy triste ser pobre".
En contraste, la Revista Forbes, publica a los 14 mexicanos más ricos entre los más ricos de todo el planeta.
En ... continua

La Gran Historia - Ríos Montt, reflejo del sistema judicial en Guatemala

En mayo de 2013, se dictó una sentencia histórica: el exdictador guatemalteco, José Efraín Ríos Montt fue condenado a 80 años de prisión por haber ordenado, autorizado e implementado planes militares para que el Ejército cometiera genocidio contra 1.771 indígenas ixiles. Pero, tan solo 10 días después la Corte de Constitucionalidad anulaba la sentencia argumentando irregularidades en el proceso. En este episodio de La Gran Historia analizaremos el caso Ríos Montt y la situación del sistema judicial en Guatemala.

Los Extranjeros

Dos jóvenes palestinos planeando su matrimonio se ven obligados a abandonar su patria, porque el régimen de ocupación sionista se está apoderando del país. A la hora de salir del país por la puerta de Haifa, se pierden el uno al otro y la búsqueda dura 40 años. El hombre narra su historia y también la de ocupación Palestina por el régimen sionista.

Fog Island

Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the ... continua

Ghost parade

When Mr. Martin and everyone else in Mosby Manor hears strange noises during the night, they fear that it might be the ghost of Martin's uncle, who died in the Civil War. But the next day, the local constable investigates, and he finds mice in the attic who are making the odd sounds by crawling across some musical instruments stored there. But their relief does not last long. As they are showing the house to some potential buyers, a new series of strange, inexplicable, and increasingly frightening events begins

Ivan Cenzi: bufale o meraviglie?

Ivan Cenzi - Curatore di Bizzarro Bazar "bufale o meraviglie?" Introduce il prof. Alchemist CICAP-FEST 2017. Cesena 01/10/2017 Teatro Bonci

Visita: www.cicap.org

Maurizio Ferraris: Che cosa sanno gli scienziati?

Festa di Scienza e Filosofia, terza edizione. Foligno, Palazzo Trinci Sala Rossa 2 maggio 2013

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Brugiavini Agar - Berloffa Gabriella 2017 - Fragilità Le parole chiave

BRUGIAVINI Agar - BERLOFFA Gabriella 2017 - Fragilità Le parole chiave. La “fragilità” è una condizione diffusa nella popolazione anziana in Europa. La cronicità di alcune patologie è spesso accompagnata da condizioni difficili anche da un punto di vista economico-sociale. Cosa può fare la prevenzione per ridurre il rischio di fragilità? E quali sistemi di Long Term Care sono più efficaci quando insorge?

Visita: www.festivaleconomia.eu