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Categoria: Documentari (7559)

Categoria: Documentari

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Totale: 1170

Caminantes: Juan Villoro

Juan Villoro es problablemente el intelectual mexicano con más luces, tanto por la atención de la prensa como por méritos propios de la escritura, del actual mundo hispanoparlante. Escritor principalmente de narrativa y ensayo, ha recibido variados galardones por su obra. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Calcutta 2003

Viaggio fra le baraccopoli di Calcutta, e le opere prime delle Missionarie della Carità. Sulle tracce di chi lascia il mondo occidentale per seguire la legge semplice di Madre Teresa. Due passi fra le baraccopoli. Per vedere l'effetto che fa. Acquista il video on-line sul sito www.taffi.it

El Cónsul Perlasca

En ocasión del estreno en España de la película dirigida por Alberto Negrin: El Cónsul Perlasca (Perlasca: un héroe italiano), fue realizado este programa centrado en el testimonio de Enrique Vandor, una de las más que 5000 personas sacadas de los campos de concentración nazis gracias a la valiosa intervención de Giorgio Perlasca. Hoy, durante el día de la memoria de la Shoah, la experiencia vivida directamente, junto a algunos planos de la película, hace vivir de nuevo esos trágicos momentos y renueva la esperanza que también en las circunstancias ... continua

8) - The World Says NO to war

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

7) - Globalization at Gunpoint - The Economics of Occupation

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

06) - Erasing Memory - The Cultural Destruction of Iraq

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

5) - Dance of Death

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

4) - The Art of Resistance

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

03) - National Insecurities

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua

02) - Stanting with the women of Iraq

A Grassroots Response to War and Occupation.
Shocking and awful is the way many people view the current situation in Iraq and The United States. The war continues to take its toll on Iraqi civilians, international aid workers, journalists and U.S. troops. Here at home we are seeing how living in a state of 'perpetual war' is affecting our own lives as well.
Deep Dish TV has collected and produced thirteen programs about the war and the occupation, wich are being distributed to communities all over United States on satellite and cable television ... continua