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The Little Shop of Horrors

1960 - ComedyClassic black comedy about young schnook who develops a bloodthirsty plant and is forced to kill in order to feed it. Directed by Roger Corman, the film was the basis for the later hit stage musical.Directed by: Roger Corman Writing credits: Charles B. Griffith Cast: Jonathan Haze, Jackie Joseph, Mel Welles, Dick Miller, Myrtle Vail, Tammy Windsor, Toby Michaels, Leola Wendorff, Lynn Storey, Wally Campo, Jack Warford, Meri Welles, John Herman Shaner, Jack Nicholson, Dodie Drake Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 040

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

11)- Curso de Filosofía: Teología de la Liberación

La Teología de la Liberación
La teología de la liberación nace en el marco de una serie de cambios muy significativos de la Iglesia Latinoamericana, sobre todo luego del Concilio de Medellín (1968), que harían hincapié en la necesidad de lograr un mayor compromiso de los cristianos con el cambio social. En ese marco, numerosos teólogos entre quienes el más representativo es Gustavo Gutiérrez, comienzan a buscar cierta secularización de la esperanza cristiana intentando quebrar una tendencia muy manifiesta en ciertos cortes ... continua

045)- A Schiena Dritta - Puntata 07/06/2004

A Schiena Dritta Furio Colombo Il direttore de L'Unità Furio Colombo interviene sulle prossime elezioni europee, respinge l'accusa di fare del giornalismo con l'elmetto, ed indica l'obiettivo principale del centro-sinistra: battere Silvio Berlusconi. Ma c'è spazio anche per un salto nella memoria privata: dai primi passi dentro la Olivetti fino al ruolo di Presidente della Fiat Usa. Per gentile concessione di Nessuno Tv Visita il sito: www.nessuno.tv

The Wild Women of Wongo

1958 - Sci-Fi On the tropical island of Wongo, a tribe of beautiful women discover that the other side of the island is inhabited by a tribe of handsome men. They also discover that a tribe of evil ape men live on the island, too, and the ape men are planning a raid on the tribe in order to capture mates. Directed by: James L. Wolcott Writing credits: Cedric RutherfordCast: Jean Hawkshaw, Mary Ann Webb, Cande Gerrard, Adrienne Bourbeau, Marie Goodhart, Michelle Lamarck, Joyce Nizzari, Val Phillips, Jo Elaine Wagner, Pat Crowley, Ray Rotello, Billy Day, Burt Parker, ... continua

Topper Returns

1941 - Sci-Fi Topper is once again tormented by a fun-loving spirit. This time, it's Gail Richards, a beautiful young woman who was accidentally murdered while vacationing at the home of her wealthy friend, Ann Carrington, the intended victim. With Topper's help, Gail sets out to find her killer with the expected zany results. Directed by: Roy Del Ruth Writing credits: Gordon Douglas, Jonathan LatimerCast: Joan Blondell, Roland Young, Carole Landis, Billie Burke, Dennis O'Keefe, Patsy Kelly, H.B. Warner, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson, George Zucco, Donald MacBride, ... continua

055)- Insider - Puntata 07/06/2004

INSIDER - Dietro le notizie
?La nuova legge sulla fecondazione assistita? e ?Silvano Orsi, frustato a sangue dal figlio del presidente degli Emirati Arabi?.
Ospiti in studio, il prof. Carlo Flamigni, docente ordinario di ginecologia e ostetricia presso l?Università di Bologna e membro del Comitato Nazionale di bioetica, il giornalista Mario Adinolfi, direttore di Media Quotidiano, e Silvano Orsi, top manager della società di telefonia svizzera Swisscom. Per l?approfondimento settimanale sull?Ungheria, nuovo membro UE, interverrà, invece, Istvan Kovacs, ... continua

Más fuerte que el fuego

El 11 de septiembre de 1973, Salvador Allende ingresa a las 7:30 horas a La Moneda, la sede de su gobierno. La abandona en las primeras horas de la tarde, ya muerto. Esta película relata en detalle lo que sucedió en ese periodo con documentos fílmicos y fotográficos, grabaciones de radio y de TV que eran inéditos hasta entonces. Se trata del material filmado de Peter Hellmich y el sonido de Manfred Berger registrado en Santiago el día del golpe.También incluye entrevistas con los cabecillas responsables y registra los recuerdos del hombre que estuvo ... continua


WOMA JAZZ The 1st European All Female Jazz FestivalWoma Jazz A Cultural, Performing, Touristic, and Equal Opportunities EventOnly female groups on stage at Woma Jazz, jazz women from all over the world meeting on stage at Woma JazzA very prestigious event attracting a vast audience (a nice cross-section of age groups and social class) and with 2 firsts:1.The Only One of its Kind in Europe.2.The Most Prestigious in Italy as it is the only jazz festival awarded exceptionally with 2 medals by the President of the Italian Republic in 2007 and 2008WOMA JAZZ was ... continua

Telegiornale Spazio Aperto N°010 - Rassegna Maggio

Telegiornale Spazio Aperto N°10 Rassegna mese di Maggio A cura di Massimo Bonella In collaborazione con Teleidea Chianciano Biografia di Massimo Bonella