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Reflections on the trip with Eman Ahmad Khamas

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Cronicas de un Golpe

Reconstrucción de los sucesos acaecidos durante el día 11 de abril del 2002 en Caracas, Venezuela, durante el golpe de estado organizado en contra del Presidente Hugo Chávez. Numerosas imágenes de archivo y entrevistas revelan la manipulación mediática que amparaba el golpe, y la secuencia de acciones llevadas acabo por los líderes oposicionistas, esde la marcha desviada de su curso original hacia el Palacio Presidencial, hasta el alzamiento del alto mando militar, al secuestro del Presidente democráticamente electo Chávez, y por tanto al quiebre ... continua

Interview with Dr. Rashad Zidan

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Conspiración Petrolera

Extraordinario material fílmico que muestra como se fraguó desde la alta y extinta directiva de PDVSA la salida violenta del Gobierno Bolivariano, y el relato en voz de algunos de sus protagonistas, entre ellos: el Alcalde Freddy Bernal y el Presidente de Venezolana de Televisión, Jesús Romero Anselmi, como parte de un evento denominado ?Protagonistas del 11 de Abril?, promovido por la Fundación de Programas de Alimentos Estratégicos (Fundaproal). Director: Carlos Azpurua Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Rock No War: Insieme al popolo Saharawi

07 - 10 Maggio 2002 Rock No War e Kabara Lagdaf insieme al POPOLO SAHARAWI Visita il sito: www.rocknowar.it

Interview with Faiza Al Araji

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

048)- Insider - Puntata 27/05/2004

INSIDER - Dietro le notizie Farmaci e corruzione e Bufera doping Ospiti in studio, Giorgio Vitali, presidente dell?associazione sindacale INFORQUADRI, e Sandro Donati, dirigente CONI. Visita il sito: www.nessuno.tv Acquista il video on-line su Nessuno Tv

Rescate del Cerebro de PDVSA

Invaluable documento testimonial donde los protagonistas responsables de rescatar los sistemas de automatización, informática y telecomunicaciones de Petróleos de Venezuela narran sus experiencias heroicas para defender la empresa de todos los venezolanos durante el sabotaje petrolero de diciembre-enero del 2002. Director: Marc Villá Morillo Cortesía de TeleSur Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net Mira TeleSur vía Streaming clicando aquí

Iraqui Women Speak out

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists.The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

038)- A Schiena Dritta - Puntata 27/05/2004

A Schiena Dritta Elido Fazi L'economia lo aveva stancato e così ha deciso di fondare una casa editrice. Come editore conquista spazi sempre più ampi nel mercato editoriale italiano. Urla che Melissa P. è una grande scrittrice: forse perchè con lei ha triplicato il fatturato. Ci consoliamo: anche Nabokov per Lolita ha sbirciato da altre parti. Per gentile concessione di Nessuno Tv Visita il sito: www.nessuno.tv