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Asume nuevo presidente argentino

En blanco y negro. Hector Campora en la máxima magistratura, quien un mes después declinará en favor de Perón.Este documental periodístico nos muestra los pormenores del acto, entre los cuales se destaca, la presencia del presidente de los Chilenos en ese momento Salvador Allende. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Lost City 5

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

Panorama Italiano

De 1978, en color con la actualidad de aquel momento. Las notas son las siguientes : Jornada sobre África en Roma, Galería de arte en Florencia, Experimentos de bajo consumo en combustibles de autos Fiat, Atelier de moda, y Campeonato femenino de Hockey sobre césped. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Lost City 4

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

Londres (Reino Unido)

De 1934, film con carteles, igual que el cine mudo. Película realizada por un particular. Inédito. Distintos aspectos, en sus habitantes y costumbres. Una forma distinta de poder apreciar un tiempo que pasó. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Lost City 3

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

El invento del tractor

De 1920, película inédita y perdida, del cine mudo cultural de los Estados Unidos. En blanco y negro. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Lost City 2

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

Los ciento cincuenta millones

De 1924, filme documental perdido de los Estados Unidos, en blanco y negro. Se trata del tema, del primer criadero de peces en Nueva Jersey, la cual abastecía a todos, los lagos, ríos y parques de las ciudades, con peces. Toda una historia que gira alrededor de secretos que no se habían divulgado. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Lost City 1

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua