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L'Incredibile cavallo del pensiero – Mitologia portoghese

Il Cavallo del Pensiero è rappresentato come un cavallo maestoso, con il potere di emettere fuoco dalle narici e ali che gli permettono di volare. La sua leggenda più conosciuta racconta del suo incontro con un giovane pastore, con il quale si è unito per vivere varie avventure in mondi magici. Storia e Mitologia Illustrate Arte: Marcus Aquino Colore: Fabi Marques

313- Midway, un film d'altri tempi

566- L'assedio del castello imprendibile, Chateau Gaillard

640- Se l'Impero Romano fosse sopravvissuto? 19233 XCVIII Parte

985 - Valentiniano III, l'inizio della fine dell'Impero Romano d'Occidente

Reflexionando que es gerundio. Pugilato y el 'cómico' - David Saavedra

Me gustaría hacer de vez en cuando vídeos sobre cuestiones de actualidad e introducir mi actual forma de pensar, razonar y sentir. Como me he despertado con este acontecimiento, he pensado que sería un buen momento para empezar y este es el resultado.

Seminario historiografía y género

Ponencia de la Dra. Sara Luna Entre pánicos morales y estigmas territoriales: juventudes, género y sexualidad en la Ciudad de México a mediados del siglo XX

Visita: www.ceiich.unam.mx

Daily show for may 17, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily Show for July 25, 2024 Democracy Now!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress on Wednesday to defend the ongoing war on Gaza as thousands of people outside protested his appearance. The speech came two months after Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, announced he was seeking an arrest warrant for Netanyahu for committing war crimes in Gaza. Over 100 Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, skipped the speech, but those in attendance gave Netanyahu numerous standing ovations as he painted a distorted picture of what’s ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for December 20, 2024 Democracy Now!

Thousands of Amazon workers on Thursday launched the largest strike against the retail giant in U.S. history, pressuring the company at the height of the holiday period to follow the law and bargain with those who have organized with the Teamsters union. The strike includes warehouse workers and drivers at seven distribution centers in some of Amazon’s largest markets, including New York, Atlanta and San Francisco; Teamsters have also set up picket lines at many other warehouses nationwide. “We’re engaging in a coordinated action to try to put the pressure on ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org