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Eshkol Nevo - Legami

Eshkol Nevo - Legami - Presentazione del libro in dialogo con Benedetta Maietti. Letture di Elena Lietti.
Legami è la storia che costituisce il cuore di questo libro in cui Eshkol Nevo ripropone, con la stessa forza narrativa mostrata in Tre piani, lo stretto legame esistente tra le ferite individuali e quelle collettive. David e Yonathan sono amici per la pelle da sempre. Yonathan e sua sorella Shikma, innamorata di David da ragazza, hanno vissuto un’adolescenza tormentata, segnata dalla malattia della madre, rinchiusa in un ospedale psichiatrico. Dopo essersi ... continua

Visita: palazzoducale.genova.it

Daily Show for September 23, 2024 Democracy Now!

The state of Missouri is set to kill Marcellus Williams tonight. Williams has always maintained his innocence in the 2001 killing of St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Lisha Gayle during a robbery. The jurors, prosecutors and victim’s family are all supporting Williams’s bid for clemency, which has been denied by Missouri’s Republican governor and state Supreme Court. “What we see is a system that’s looking at finality over fairness, rushing to get to an execution date instead of taking the time to stop this execution and look at the merits of what is being ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for October 1, 2024 Democracy Now!

Lebanese Prime Minsiter Najib Mikati says Lebanon is now facing “one of the most dangerous phases of its history,” as the Israeli military claims to have begun launching “limited and targeted raids” in southern Lebanon. However, Hezbollah has denied that Israeli soldiers have actually entered Lebanon. The possible Israeli ground operation comes after two weeks of Israeli attacks on Lebanon that have killed over 1,000 people and forced over a million Lebanese to evacuate. While Biden called for a ceasefire, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke to Israeli ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for November 7, 2024 Democracy Now!

We speak with historian Robin D. G. Kelley about the roots of Donald Trump’s election victory and the decline of Democratic support among many of the party’s traditional constituencies. Kelley says he agrees with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who said Democrats have “abandoned” working-class people. “There was really no program to focus on the actual suffering of working people across the board,” Kelley says of the Harris campaign. He says the highly individualistic, neoliberal culture of the United States makes it difficult to organize along class lines ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for November 25, 2024 Democracy Now!

After wealthy countries refused to agree to a $1 trillion proposal from developing countries facing the brunt of climate change’s impacts, the COP29 U.N. climate summit concluded with a $300 billion climate finance deal that is “a drop in the ocean compared to what is needed.” For more, we hear from two climate activists who attended the conference and were among those calling for wealthier countries to contribute more to a global green energy transition. Brandon Wu, the director of policy and campaigns at ActionAid USA, says the U.S. in particular owes “a ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Buchi neri (serie completa) - Curiuss

Buchi Neri è una serie dedicata alla storia della scoperta e lo studio degli oggetti forse più intriganti che popolano lo spazio. Il presente video raccoglie in sequenza le 5 puntate uscite sul canale epurate delle parti finali dedicate normalmente al proselitismo e al marketing in modo da renderle fruibili come fosse un film.

Visita: twitter.com

La inteligencia de las plantas. Planta sapiens, Homo stupidus - Paco Calvo

A menudo pensamos que somos la cúspide de la inteligencia y la evolución, pero ¿es realmente así? Las plantas enfrentan muchos desafíos: cómo dirigir sus raíces y tallos para obtener luz y nutrientes, cómo defenderse de los herbívoros y cómo alertar a otras plantas sobre peligros. Aunque no tienen neuronas ni un sistema nervioso como nosotros, tienen estructuras sensoriales que les permiten comportamientos adaptativos sorprendentes y flexibles. En esta conferencia, el reconocido filósofo de la ciencia Paco Calvo abordó si realmente somos la especie más ... continua

Visita: puertodeideas.cl

Netanyahu, a mendigar el apoyo de EU en el congreso

¿Discurso o rendición de cuentas? ¿a qué obedece realmente la intervención de Benjamín Netanyahu ante el Congreso de EU? Netanyahu llega a Washington en un momento álgido para el sionismo y también para la política norteamericana.
El genocidio ha desgastado la credibilidad mundial de Israel y lo ha alejado diplomáticamente; la ayuda de la Casa Blanca a Israel también le está pasando factura a la administración de Joe Biden.
Como era de esperar, las protestas en Washington contra la presencia del premier se desataron. El Congreso fue blindado y ya hay ... continua

Visita: www.hispantv.com

El pianista argentino Julio Mazziotti presenta en París su nuevo álbum

El pianista argentino Julio Mazziotti se presenta este viernes en la Maison de l’Argentine de la Cité International Universitaria de París en un concierto que servirá de presentación de su nuevo álbum ‘Panta rei’, todo fluye y ya nada volverá a ser lo mismo.Pero antes ha estado con Jordi Batallé como El invitado de RFI.

Visita: www.rfi.fr

La vera storia di Germano Mosconi

Conosciuto (purtroppo) solo come fenomeno di internet, attraverso i video dei suoi fuorionda infarciti di imprecazioni, Germano Mosconi ha incarnato nella realtà professionale i diversi passaggi del giornalismo italiano. Dagli esordi a Verona, nell'epoca dei taccuini e dei dimafonisti, passando per il lancio delle televisioni private per diventare un volto ed una firma riconoscibili e fonte riconosciuta di qualità. Poi arrivò la notorietà sgradita, quella dei vecchi montaggi e degli scherzi dei colleghi: elementi che non riusciranno mai ad offuscare il ricordo e ... continua