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Tom & Jerry 046 - Tennis Chumps

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.

Tom & Jerry 153 - O Solar Meow

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.

Le bisce d'acqua mordono come gli altri serpenti?

Le natrici, comunemente note come bisce d'acqua, sono da tutti considerate specie innocue e non aggressive...ma in casi estremi possono mordere anche loro? Grazie alla testimonianza ed ai filmati concessi dall'amico ed erpetologo Matteo Di Nicola risponderemo a questa domanda, risalendo nel frattempo un bellissimo ruscello e scoprendo i suoi abitanti...venite con noi! #trekking #animali #natura

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Popeye Ancient Fistory

Animation Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

02)-Crossed Trails

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Tarzan Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ... continua

003) - Shadow of the Eagle: The Eagle Strikes

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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La Habana hoy - Impreciones de una ciudad en 16 cuentos

La vide de la ciudad de Habana es evocada a lo largo de dieciséis fragmentos, o Variaciones, que forman los elementos de una única partitura. El conjunto está formado por pequeñas historias que cuentan la capacidad de inventiva de su gente, por entrevistas con artistas, intelectuales, gente del pueblo, pero también por collages de imagines que no necesitan palabra alguna. Guión e dirección: Cecilia Riccialrelli, Diego Malquori Fotografia: Pablo Massip Ginestá Edición: Diego Malquori, Francesco Biagini Música: Giovanni Malquori Producción: Officine Musicali ... continua

Informations libres de Tunisie - Edition 112

Canal du Dialogue Tunisien: Média d'expression de l'opposition démocratiqueet progressiste tunisienne. Informations, dossiers et débats sur les luttespolitiques, sociales et culturelles en Tunisie.
Canal du Dialogue est animé par un groupe de militants issus de différentestendances de l'opposition démocratique et progressiste tunisienne. Le groupe estréuni autour des objectifs de démocratie politique, de progrès social et delutte contre toutes les formes de fanatisme et d'intégrisme religieux. Lesactivités de Canal du Dialogue sont entièrement financées ... continua

6) - Supports SMEs: OpTag, for the efficient airports of tomorrow.

The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
The OpTag Project is an EU funded project, which aims to run for 3 years, and the idea here is to try new technologies to enhance the efficiency of airports.
The aim of the project is use technology in combination of cameras, we have design a specific cameras for that and the use of radio frequency tagging to try and determine exactly where any individual passengers within an airport at any given time.
Interviews:Stuart Robson: Department of Geomatics - University College ... continua

L'agire politico della società civile

Testimonianze video di alcuni momenti del seminario sulla partecipazione svoltosi a Roma nei giorni 5-6 aprile 2008.Chiara Sasso, Movimento NoTav: L'agire politico della società civile

Visita: www.arcoiris.tv