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The Lucifer Complex

1978 - Sci-FiAn intelligence agent discovers a Nazi plot to revive the Third Reich by using clones. Directed by: Kenneth Hartford, David L. Hewitt Writing credits: David L. Hewitt, Dale Skillicorn Cast: Robert Vaughn, Merrie Lynn Ross, Keenan Wynn, Aldo Ray, William Lanning, Ross Durfee, Victoria Carroll, Glenn Ransom, Kieu Chinh, Lynn Cartwright, Colin Eliot Brown, Corinne Cole, Gustaf Unger, Bertil Unger, Carol Terry Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

Sword of Lancelot

1963 - AdventureAll the fiery passions of the lusty age of great kings... beautiful queens... that heroic age of King Arthur and the gallant Knights of the Round Table!Directed by: Cornel Wilde Writing credits: Richard Schayer, Jefferson Pascal Cast: Cornel Wilde, Jean Wallace, Brian Aherne, George Baker, Archie Duncan, Adrienne Corri, Michael Meacham, Iain Gregory, Mark Dignam, Reginald Beckwith, John Barrie, Richard Thorp, Joseph Tomelty, Graham Stark, Geoffrey Dunn Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

053) - A schiena dritta - Puntata 17/06/2004

A Schiena Dritta Giampiero Mughini Un lungo racconto sulla Roma degli anni '50. Ma anche una riscoperta di Giampiero Mughini attraverso un elogio dell'uomo a rovescio: la lente puntata non sull'opinionista Tv, ma sullo scrittore che negli ultimi anni ci ha regalato tanti libri importanti. Per gentile concessione di Nessuno Tv Visita il sito: www.nessuno.tv

InjerenCIA: Años 60

Esta Serie Documental cuenta la "otra historia" de las relaciones de los gobiernos estadounidenses con la América Latina. La historia que no es "oficial" para Washington ni "conveniente" para muchos gobiernos del hemisferio.
Por muchos años se hizo creer que la Agencia no habìa actuado en Venezuela como lo hizo en otros paises del continente, pero su historial esta saliendo a la luz revelando una cadena de intervenciones que se remontan hasta la mitad del siglo pasado.
Los testimonios del Ex Oficial de la CIA Philip Agge, los de quienes se encontraron cara ... continua

Call of Rio Madeira

The Call of Rio Madeira shows the resistance of the Amazonian peoples and social movements against big infrastructure development projects which aim to redesign the shape of Latin America.Filmed during 2007-2008 the “Call of Rio Madeira” is one of the most recent documentaries aiming to show to the world which are the real interests behind this type of development at any cost. A type of development which only favours the interests of banks, companies and multinational corporations without considering at all the environmental and social consequences.The Rio Madeira ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 044

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

063) - Insider - puntata 17/06/2004

INSIDER - Dietro le notizie
?I destini della Lista Unitaria? e ?La firma sulla costituzione europea?.
Ospiti in studio, il prof. Giandonato Caggiano, docente di diritto europeo all?Università degli Studi Roma Tre, e lo storico Francesco Margiotta Broglio, docente di Relazione tra Stato e Chiesa. Come ogni giovedì, inoltre, interverrà il teologo Don Filippo Di Giacomo sul rapporto tra Oriente e Occidente, Islam e Cristianità. Per l?approfondimento settimanale dedicato alla Lettonia, nuovo membro UE, interverrà Baiba Kunke, esperta di gastronomia ... continua

Speciale TG - L'arroganza del governo

Speciale TG L'arroganza del governo Intervista al Prof. Enzo Guidotto Presidente dell'Osservatorio Veneto sul fenomeno mafiosa inteso come problema nazionale Ora nominato: Consulente della Commsione Parlamentare Antimafia A cura di Massimo Bonella In collaborazione con Teleidea Chianciano Biografia di Massimo Bonella

The Phantom Planet

1961 - Sci-FiThe mysterious appearance of the self contained planet -Rheton- has the ability to move in and out of galaxies to escape their enemies. Earth sends an astronaut team to investigate, which discovers miniature people. One astronaut survives to help them fight off monsters and Solorite attacks.Directed by: William Marshall Writing credits: Fred Gebhardt William Telaak Cast: Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Anthony Dexter, Francis X. Bushman, Richard Weber, Al Jarvis, Dick Haynes, Earl McDaniels, Mike Marshall, John Herrin, Mel Curtis, Jimmy Weldon, Akemi ... continua

Sister Street Fighter

1974 - Martial ArtsLee Long is a martial-arts champion who the police use as an undercover agent to infiltrate a drug ring responsible for importing heroin from Japan to Hong Kong. When he is identified and imprisoned, the police pressure his sister, Tina Long, to help them locate and free him. She gets the help of Lee's martial-arts school, including the powerful Sonny Kawasaka, for the inevitable battle-royale with the drug gang, which includes masters of many different 'schools' of fighting.Directed by: Kazuhiko Yamaguchi Writing credits: Masahiro Kakefuda, ... continua