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Torino 2006: Europe Greens the Winter Olympics

With the opening of the Turin winter Olympics on February 10th, the eyes of the world will be on Europe. The games will bring hundreds of thousands of competitors, journalists and spectators to its alpine valleys.They have also meant the construction or renovation of many permanent and temporary structures which place great pressure on the environment, as this environmentalist explains.
Interviews:Ugo Pretato, Torino 2006 Organising Committee
Roberto Serra, Major of Cesana Torinese
Paolo Rovellino, I Torino 2006 Organising Committee
Fabio Caltabiano, Torino 2006 ... continua

Prisoners in Paradise

Documentary about the animals that live on islands, cut off from any other place in the surroundings.To buy this video write to: info@paneikon.it Visit the site: www.paneikon.it

Consumare meglio. Sprecare meno! - Intervento di Giuseppe Altamore

Guiseppe Altamore (Giornalista di Famiglia Cristiana). Presso il convegno: "Consumare meglio. Sprecare meno!".Modena, 21 febbraio, 2004.

Revolución rusa

1905. Película muda de ficción, en la que se narra una revolución en el país de los Zares Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Querido Padre Mugica

1973. De Roberto Di Chiara, informe periodístico sobre el sacerdote Carlos Mugica, "enamorado de los pobres", en un trabajo social durante el periodo peronista Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

VNR: You Control Climate Change

This morning, Stefano Schio is using his car to go to the Venice town hall, where he works. He drives a few kilometres before arriving at a transit car parking which has been recently created by the Venice city council.After a short wait, he gets on a bus. He will not have to walk for more than a few minutes before he gets to his office.
Interviews:Anna Bressan, Municipality of Venice
Eduardo Tognon, Venetian Energy Agency
Gianfranco Federici, ITER Garching
Laura Fincato, Member of Parliament and Environmental Councillor
Jaroslav Stercl, ZS Namesti ... continua

Consumare meglio. Sprecare meno! - Intervento di Ersilia Monti

Ersilia Monti (Rete di Lilliput - Campagna Clean Clothes). Presso il convegno: "Consumare meglio. Sprecare meno!".Modena, 21 febbraio, 2004.

ITER: Hopes for Clean and Abundant Energy

The sun has been shining for several billion years and will shine for several more. It provides earth with solar power and makes life possible.
In the upcoming decades scientists are hoping to copy the energy source of the sun here on earth, in so-called fusion reactors.
Interviews:Akko Maas,ITER Team/IPP Rijnhuizen, Netherlands
Michel Chatelier, CEA Caderache, France
Gianfranco Federici, ITER Garching
Joachim Roth, MPI/IPP Garching, Germany
Ursel Fantz, MPI/IPP Garching, Germany
Vladimir Barabash, ITER Team/NIIEFA St. Petersburg, Russia
Kaname Ikedia, ITER ... continua

Consumare meglio. Sprecare meno! - Intervento di Don Albino Bizzotto

Don Albino Bizzotto (Beatti i Construttori di Pace). Presso il convegno: "Consumare meglio. Sprecare meno!".Modena, 21 febbraio, 2004.

La pachamama y los carnavalitos

1995. Musical con motivo de los Juegos Panamericanos, de la mano del maestro Jaime Torres, interpretando temas del folklore del norte argentino Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

El médico y los ladrones

1908. Película muda de ficción, principios del cine Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Halting the Loss of Europe's Biodiversity by 2010

This huge container ship has just arrived in the Port of Le Havre from the Caribbean. Le Havre is the busiest container port in France.A major hub for the world trade. To deal with the ever growing volume of shipping, the first phase of a huge port expansion has just been completed. The first six berths of Port 2000 cost more than a billion euro. Now the giants of the world's container fleet can dock here.
Interviews:Jerome Dumont, Director, Maison de l'Estuaire
Paul Scherrer, Technical Director, Port of Le Havre
Laurent Chereau, Le Havre Port 2000
Tony Long, ... continua

Incontro con Fausto Prandini

Fausto Prandini racconta la storia e la evoluzione di un progetto di cooperazione internazionale in Kenya: la idea originale, il confronto con la realtà, il finanziamento, il rapporto con la comunità e la responsabilità che deve assumere nel cambiamento della vita della popolazione. Introdotto da Giuseppina Caselli.Iniziativa in collaborazione con: OVERSEAS

Jamtland County: A Region Fuelled by Biomass

Magnificent views over the lake and mountains inhabited by bears and moss.. A panorama typical of Jamtland Country - a large and extremely sparsely populated area in the centre of Sweden. For centuries this faraway and mysterious region has fascinated scientists and local people alike.
The Great Lake Storsjhon is seemingly calm and peaceful, but according to hundreds of eye-witnesses a huge snake-like monster lives in its blue and black dephts.
Interviews:Andris Pielbalgs, European Commissioner for Energy
Jimmy Anjevall, Energy Agency Ostersund
Erik MAgnusson, ... continua

Intervention de Mamadou Cissoko

Mamadou Cissoko (Sénégal) Leader du mouvement des paysans et responsable des la campagne "Récupérons notre nourriture".

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La Rete sinodale

La Rete sinodale che si è data appuntamento nell'Assemblea che inizia domani in Cittadella Laudato si' in Assisi è il frutto di un cammino iniziato ormai 4 anni fa da una trentina di associazioni e gruppi di base e nello stesso tempo un punto di nuovo slancio di una porzione di Chiesa che sa ascoltare e parlare. Sembra banale ma è essenziale, anzi è il sale stesso del cammino sinodale di cui ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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