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The Phantom of the Opera

1925 - Horror / Drama
Evil oil barons have given the Indians one day to vacate their land. The Indian chief tells his braves to kill the first white man they see. Buster shows up chasing a butterfly. Later he keeps moving the stake to which he is tied and at which he is to be burned. He becomes one of the tribe and helps them with their fight.
Directed by:Rupert Julian
Writing credits:Gaston Leroux
Complete credited cast:
Lon ChaneyMary PhilbinNorman KerryArthur Edmund CareweGibson GowlandJohn St. PolisSnitz EdwardsMary FabianVirginia Pearson ... continua

Intervento di Tonino Perna

Parco dell'Aspromonte Le alternative di un'economia diversa nel Mezzogiorno.

Intervento di Tom Benetollo

A.R.C.I. Movimenti, sindacato: la nostra alleanza.

Sucesos Argentinos - Número 000858

El noticiero de América latina con actualidad argentina y mundial desde 1938 al 1970 Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Paleface

1943 - Drama / Western / Romance Evil oil barons have given the Indians one day to vacate their land. The Indian chief tells his braves to kill the first white man they see. Buster shows up chasing a butterfly. Later he keeps moving the stake to which he is tied and at which he is to be burned. He becomes one of the tribe and helps them with their fight. Directed by:Buster Keaton Writing credits:Buster Keaton Complete credited cast: Buster Keaton Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Sucesos Argentinos - Número 000674

El noticiero de América latina con actualidad argentina y mundial desde 1938 al 1970 Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Outlaw

1943 - Drama / Western / Romance
Newly appointed sheriff Pat Garrett is pleased when his old friend Doc Holliday arrives in Lincoln, New Mexico on the stage. Doc is trailing his stolen horse, and it is discovered in the possession of Billy the Kid. In a surprising turnaround, Billy and Doc become friends. This causes the friendship between Doc and Pat to cool. The odd relationship between Doc and Billy grows stranger when Doc hides Billy at his girl, Rio's, place after Billy is shot. She falls for Billy, although he treats her very badly. Interaction between ... continua

Intervento di Titti Di Salvo

Segretaria Confederale CGIL Pace, lavoro, sviluppo: il mondo del lavoro e i movimenti.

Intervento di Riccardo Petrella

Università di Loviano Economia, welfare, solidarietà: l'agenzia futura dei movimenti.

Sucesos Argentinos - Número 000889

El noticiero de América latina con actualidad argentina y mundial desde 1938 al 1970 Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The Oklahoma Cyclone

1930 - Western A cowboy looking for his missing father, poses as an outlaw and joins the gang he thinks is responsible. Directed by:John P. McCarthy Writing credits:John P. McCarthy Complete credited cast: Bob SteeleRita ReyAl St. JohnCharles KingSlim WhitakerCliff LyonsN.E. HendrixHector Sarno Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Perón un hombre, un destino

De 1980. De Roberto Di Chiara. Documental en blanco y negro. Material inédito sobre el general Perón. Su nacimiento y vida en Lobos (provincia de Buenos Aires), su frustrado viaje a la Argentina y detención en Perú. Su visita a la Argentina y su proclamación como presidente, con declaraciones importantes de la actualidad de aquellos años Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

The New 3 Stooges The Littlest Martian

Animation Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Intervento di Maurizio Gubbiotti

LegambienteIl legame tra ambiente e politiche pubbliche.

The Nazis Strike

1943 - Documentary / Short / War
The official World War II US government account of Nazi international aggression leading up to the British and French declarations of war
Directed by:Frank Capra, Anatole Litvak
Writing credits:Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein
Complete credited cast:
Eduard BenesNeville ChamberlainClementine ChurchillWinston ChurchillGaleazzo CianoÉdouard DaladierLéon DegrelleAnthony EdenJosef GoebbelsHermann GöringKonrad HenleinRudolf HessHeinrich HimmlerAdolf HitlerWalter HustonWilhelm KeitelKing George VIFritz KuhnMaxim ... continua

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Ordo amoris

C'è un'ideologia perversa che pretende di trovare un sostegno teologico alle politiche discriminatorie e suprematiste messe in atto dall'attuale amministrazione Usa. Il concetto è stato espresso molto chiaramente da J. D. Vance, il vicepresidente Usa che dice di essere cattolico. "C'è un concetto cristiano che dice di amare la propria famiglia, - ha detto Vance - poi i propri vicini, poi la ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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