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El Islam Responde - Judaísmo y el Islam

En este episodio hablaremos sobre el judaísmo y el Islam. Para ello aprovechamos la presencia del sheij Abdul Karim Paz junto al presentador del programa, el sheij Suhail Asad.

La fine del Sogno Americano? - Un paese con la febbre

Esplode la primavera negli USA, ma anche il contagio da Covid-19: si moltiplicano le iniziative per contenere le conseguenze sociali e sanitarie del virus, mentre la morte di George Floyd inasprisce gli animi tra forze dell’ordine e manifestanti del movimento ‘Black Lives Matter’. A Minneapolis, teatro dell’omicidio da parte del poliziotto Derek Chauvin, il pastore liberal Doug Pagitt è testimone degli scontri. A Clairton (Pennsylvania), il sindaco Rich Lattanzi sogna alloggi a basso costo per i ceti popolari.
Un tour nell’immenso paesaggio umano degli ... continua

The flapper

The flapper is a 1920 American silent film comedy film starring Olive Thomas. Directed by Alan Crosland, the film was the first in the United States to portray the "flapper" lifestyle which would soon become a 1920's fad

Popeye's Trojan horse

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Los Ovejeros y sus Perros en Tierra del Fuego

El ovejero y sus animales en la inmensidad de las llanuras patagónicas, forman parte esencial del paisaje y la historia. A un silbido la manada le obedece, cambiando de dirección o avanzando según sea la necesidad. Artífice de estas singulares maniobras es el perro ovejero magallánico. Dirección: Carlos Johnson Una Producción Francisco Gedda Fotografía: Ricardo Carrasco, Pedro Micelli Montaje: Ricardo Carrasco Sonido: Carlos Johnson Música: José Miguel Miranda, José Miguel Tobar, Cristian López Narración:Roberto Poblete © Sur Imagen, 1998

Visita: www.alsurdelmundo.cl

Aysén La Trapananda

Recorrido por una tierra de ríos turbulentos y grandes montañas, colonizada hace poco tiempo por sus habitantes actuales, - chilenos, alemanes y belgas -, dónde el colono debe utilizar todo su ingenio para sobrevivir entre glaciares, bosques y una fauna singular.
Dirección y Fotografía: Francisco Gedda
Montaje: Pedro Chaskel
Texto: Manuel Gedda, Enrique Valdés
Producción: Silvia Quiroga
Sonido: Andrés Condon
Música: Guillermo Rifo
Asistentes: Jaime Jiménez, Francisco Jouannet, Vicente Paeile, J. Luis Valenzuela
Narración: Freddy Hube
@ Sur Imagen ... continua

Visita: www.alsurdelmundo.cl


A London laundry woman tries to rise above her station in order to capture the love of a wealthy young man, and thus misses out on the truer love of one of her own class. Stars: Mary Pickford, Albert Austin, Harold Goodwin, Rose Dione, and Lavendor the Horse

The Bond

Charlie Chaplin's 64th Film
The Bond was a propaganda film created by Charlie Chaplin at his own expense for the Liberty Load Committee for theatrical release to help sell U.S. Liberty Bonds during World War I.
Made in 1918 with Edna Purviance, Albert Austin and Sydney Chaplin, the film has a distinctive visual motif set in a simple plain black set with starkly lit simple props and arrangements. The story is a series of sketches humorously illustrating various bonds like the bond of friendship and of marriage and, most important, the Liberty Bond, to K.O. the Kaiser ... continua

Le origini del Sovranismo

Marco Trombino militante del FSI di Genova (Fronte Sovranista Italiano) spiega in questa intervista ad informal TV cosa è il vero sovranismo, quali le sue origini e quali le sue ragioni. Il vero sovranismo esposto eccellentemente da un suo militante, il sovranismo autentico, non quello tramandato dalla narrativa dei media e della politica riferito alla Lega ed al M5s. Questo è il sovranismo vero e reale, che non ha niente a che vedere con la Lega, Fratelli d'Italia e M5s, che anzi hanno usurpato per i loro fini questo termine, ed i media che hanno subito ... continua

Visita: www.informaltv.it

Outside the law

Outside the law is a 1920 crime film directed by Tod Browning and starring Lon Chaney, Sr.. Browning would remake the film in Outside the Law (1930 film).
Outside the Law is considered to be one of the first psychologically driven films in the gangster genre. In contrast to many films of the period, it generally depicts its Chinese people) have forsaken a life of crime after receiving counsel from Chang Lo, a Confucianism philosopher living in Chinatown, San Francisco. A despicable gangster named Black Mike Sylva (Lon Chaney, Sr.) frames Molly's father for murder, ... continua