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The Manster

An American reporter in Japan is sent to interview an eccentric Japanese scientist working on bizarre experiments in his mountain laboratory. When the doctor realizes that the hapless correspondent is the perfect subject for his next experiment, he drugs the unfortunate man and injects him with a serum that gradually transforms him into a hideous, two-headed monster.


TUN­DRA sin­go­lo e­strat­to dall'al­bum "ta­j­ga" pro­dot­to da A­mau­ry Cam­bu­zat (U­lan Ba­tor, Fau­st) e rea­liz­za­to in Set­tem­bre 2009 dal­la la­bel in­gle­se A­cid Co­bra Rec. e la co-pro­du­zio­ne di DeAm­bu­la Re­cords e I di­schi del Mi­dol­lo, di­stri­bui­to in I­ta­lia da Ve­nus. Vi­deo rea­liz­za­to in Sco­zia nel me­se di No­vem­bre dall'a­me­ri­ca­no fo­to­gra­fo, ci­nea­sta e de­si­gner To­bias Fel­tus.Visita il sito: themarigoldband

Visita: www.themarigold.com myspace http:

The masquerader

Charlie Chaplins 24th Film The Masquerader is a 1914 film written, directed, and starring Charlie Chaplin. Its running time is only 16 minutes. It is the tenth film directed and the second written by Chaplin

The matrix, una parabola moderna

Si tratta di una conferenza tenutasi nel maggio 2004 presso il centro gli amici del colle. Nel video il relatore spiega la sua visione e dei significati nascosti nella pellicola di The matrix dei fratelli Wachowsky. Il relatore è l'autore di una serie di libri tra cui -- the matrix, una parabola moderna -- ed -- Essere Reali, essere reali. Se -- the matrix, una parabola moderna -- che è il titolo del primo di questi 2 testi, è la filosofia che sta dietro a tutta la mia opera, il secondo libro --Essere Reale, essere reali -- è il manuale d'uso. Stampo e rilega ... continua

Visita: www.thematrixrw.webs.com

The memory illusion. How false memories are created (and the consequences they bring)

Can we tell true memories from false ones? For decades, Elisabeth Loftus has studied how memories of events that never happened are formed, and she has invented techniques to create them from scratch. But false memories have real consequences, and can change how we think and behave. What do these false memories tell us about the nature of memory itself? Speaker: Elizabeth Loftus, University of California, Irvine Moderates: Nicola Quadri, BergamoScienza Association Special thanks to Vita-Salute San Raffaele Università of Milano

Visita: www.bergamoscienza.it

The Memphis Belle

1944 - Documentary / History / War
In Paris, a down and out medical student Johann Radek (Franchot Tone) is paid by Bill Kirby (Robert Hutton) to murder his wealthy aunt. A knife grinder (Burgess Meredith) is suspected, but Radek keeps taunting the police until they realize that he is the killer. The police and Maigret (Charles Laughton) are led on chases through the streets and over the rooftops of Paris and finally up the girders of the Eiffel Tower.
Directed by:William Wyler
Writing credits:
Jerome Chodorov, William Wyler
Complete credited cast: ... continua

The Monkey - Ep.10: Piromania una grande passione

The Monkey - Ep.11: Per un sindaco in più

The Monkey - Ep.12: Il mostro della palude

The Monkey - Ep.13: Il fantasma del re