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Bambini di Palestina di Giandomenico Curi e Simone PalliccaVincenzo Schettini - La scuola che ci piaceLa Base 5x105 - Ucrania acepta una tregua a la espera de Rusia mientras la Ue se militarizaAscolta, si leva l'alba - Salmo 138 con Cristina ArcidiaconoAlgo habrán hecho por la historia de Chile - Capítulo 3 - ¡Viva el rey! ¡muera el gobierno!

Totale: 76210

The little stranger

Public Domain Animation

The Little Trashmaid - Intervista alla creatrice

The Little Trashmaid è un webcomic su una sirena che vive nel mare come lo è quello di oggi: inquinato. Tidy è così abituata all'oceano fatto in questo modo, da non saper distinguere una conchiglia da un tappo di bottiglia. Qui intervistiamo s0s4 con Lorenzo Fantoni a Lucca Comics and Games 2023

The live wire

A sailor finds an ancient vase on an uncharted island. He is later hired by archaeologists to lead them back to the island. They discover the temples of a lost civilization

The Living Theatre Catania - Not In My Name

Spettacolo-protesta contro la pena di morte portato in scena nell'Aprile 2005 dal Living Theatre di Catania, sotto la regia di Gary Brackett del Living Theatredi New York.
Lo spettacolo in questione è stato rappresentato al CSOA Auro di Catania, e successivamente nella piazza antistante il municipio della stessa città etnea.
Il video è stato prodotto e montato da Sebastiano Greco, responsabile di produzione dello spettacolo stesso.
Hanno partecipato:
Matiagiovanna Italia, Stefania Micale, Sebastiano Greco, Gary Brackett, Marco Pisano, Carmela di Giorgio, ... continua

The long shot

Long shot is a 1939 American horse racing film directed by Charles Lamont.

The Lost City 1

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lost City 10

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lost City 11

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lost City 12

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lost City 2

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua