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The People's Grocery

Nel West Oakland, in California, dove i negozi di liquori hanno sostituito i supermercati, "La Drogheria del Popolo" sta creando una sana alternativa, offrendo l'accesso a prodotti biologici. Attraverso giardini urbani e delle aziende agricole locali, “La Drogheria del Popolo" sostiene una cultura basata sul legame alla terra, sulle pratiche agricole sostenibili, e sulla ricostituzione della comunità.Produzione: Global Oneness projectSceneggiatura: Global Oneness projectPaese: U.S.A.Anno: 2009Durata: 8'Durata: 8'

Visita: www.mediatecadelleterre.it

The Phantom carriage

The Phantom carriage is a 1921 Swedish romantic horror film, generally considered to be one of the central works in the history of Swedish cinema The film is notable for its special effects, its advanced (for the time) narrative structure with flashbacks within flashbacks, and for having been a major influence on Ingmar Bergman.

The Phantom Empire

The Phantom Empire is a 1935 American Western (genre) serial film directed by Otto Brower and B. Reeves Eason and starring Gene Autry, Frankie Darro, and Betsy King Ross. This 12-chapter Mascot Pictures serial combined the western, Musical theatre, and science fiction genres. The first episode is 30 minutes, the rest about 20 minutes. The serial film is about a singing cowboy who stumbles upon an ancient subterranean civilization living beneath his own ranch that becomes corrupted by unscrupulous greedy speculators from the surface. In 1940, a 70-minute feature film ... continua

The Phantom express

An engineer at the throttle of a locomotive speeding through a tunnel sees the lights of a train approaching from the other end. Although the signals say the track is clear, he still sees the train's lights. He grinds the train to a halt, derailing it. He survives, but many passengers are killed. He is fired in disgrace, but sets out to prove his innocence by finding the "phantom express."

The Phantom of the Opera

1925 - Horror / Drama
Evil oil barons have given the Indians one day to vacate their land. The Indian chief tells his braves to kill the first white man they see. Buster shows up chasing a butterfly. Later he keeps moving the stake to which he is tied and at which he is to be burned. He becomes one of the tribe and helps them with their fight.
Directed by:Rupert Julian
Writing credits:Gaston Leroux
Complete credited cast:
Lon ChaneyMary PhilbinNorman KerryArthur Edmund CareweGibson GowlandJohn St. PolisSnitz EdwardsMary FabianVirginia Pearson ... continua

The Phantom Planet

1961 - Sci-FiThe mysterious appearance of the self contained planet -Rheton- has the ability to move in and out of galaxies to escape their enemies. Earth sends an astronaut team to investigate, which discovers miniature people. One astronaut survives to help them fight off monsters and Solorite attacks.Directed by: William Marshall Writing credits: Fred Gebhardt William Telaak Cast: Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Anthony Dexter, Francis X. Bushman, Richard Weber, Al Jarvis, Dick Haynes, Earl McDaniels, Mike Marshall, John Herrin, Mel Curtis, Jimmy Weldon, Akemi ... continua

The Phantom Ship

During a horrific storm at sea, the crew realizes that there is a murderer among them who is killing them off one by one.

The pharmacist

A henpecked but stoic pharmacist (W.C. Fields) tries to maintains his precarious balance while dealing with demanding customers and his dysfunctional family

The Philadelphia Experiment: il mistero svelato

Una nave da Guerra, ormeggiata al molo di Philadelphia, che improvvisamente scompare nel nulla, si teletrasporta a 400 chilometri di distanza, e dopo pochi minuti torna al suo posto. Sto parlando del famoso Esperimento Philadelphia, che da decenni rappresenta un enigma intorno a cui si costruiscono romanzi, film e narrazioni di ogni tipo. Ma che cosa è accaduto realmente quel 28 ottobre 1943 a Philadelphia?

Visita: patreon.com

The pianist (El pianista)

ROMAN POLANSKI. Reino Unido - 2002 Adaptación de las memorias del músico polaco de origen judío Władysław Szpilman quien sobrevivió a las deportaciones alemanas y fue testigo del levantamiento y destrucción del Gueto de Varsovia en 1943.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org