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Bambini di Palestina di Giandomenico Curi e Simone PalliccaLa gintoneria, la 'ndrangheta e MilanoLa Caída de las BolsasGiornalismo d'inchiesta undercoverAlgo Habrán Hecho por la Historia de Chile. Capitulo 5. Ramón Freire y Diego Portales.

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The Phantom Planet

1961 - Sci-FiThe mysterious appearance of the self contained planet -Rheton- has the ability to move in and out of galaxies to escape their enemies. Earth sends an astronaut team to investigate, which discovers miniature people. One astronaut survives to help them fight off monsters and Solorite attacks.Directed by: William Marshall Writing credits: Fred Gebhardt William Telaak Cast: Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Anthony Dexter, Francis X. Bushman, Richard Weber, Al Jarvis, Dick Haynes, Earl McDaniels, Mike Marshall, John Herrin, Mel Curtis, Jimmy Weldon, Akemi ... continua

The Phantom Ship

During a horrific storm at sea, the crew realizes that there is a murderer among them who is killing them off one by one.

The pharmacist

A henpecked but stoic pharmacist (W.C. Fields) tries to maintains his precarious balance while dealing with demanding customers and his dysfunctional family

The Philadelphia Experiment: il mistero svelato

Una nave da Guerra, ormeggiata al molo di Philadelphia, che improvvisamente scompare nel nulla, si teletrasporta a 400 chilometri di distanza, e dopo pochi minuti torna al suo posto. Sto parlando del famoso Esperimento Philadelphia, che da decenni rappresenta un enigma intorno a cui si costruiscono romanzi, film e narrazioni di ogni tipo. Ma che cosa è accaduto realmente quel 28 ottobre 1943 a Philadelphia?

Visita: patreon.com

The pianist (El pianista)

ROMAN POLANSKI. Reino Unido - 2002 Adaptación de las memorias del músico polaco de origen judío Władysław Szpilman quien sobrevivió a las deportaciones alemanas y fue testigo del levantamiento y destrucción del Gueto de Varsovia en 1943.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

1957 - Musical / Family / Fantasy
The singing, rhyming citizens of Hamelin hope to win a competition with rival towns for royal recognition. To this end, the mayor outlaws play (which is a bit hard on the children) and refuses to help a rival town when it's flooded. But rats (seen only as shadows), fleeing the flood, invade Hamelin in droves; a magical piper, whose music only children (and rats) can hear, strikes a bargain...which, once the rats are gone, the Mayor and council renege on, to their subsequent regret.
Directed by:Bretaigne Windust
Writing ... continua

The Place farina di un altro Sacco

Un ottimo film, girato bene e recitato - se possibile - anche meglio. Peccato che non sia un'idea originale. O almeno, non per quanto riguarda questo film.

The playhouse

The playhouse is a 1921 silent short film written, directed by, and starring Buster Keaton. The movie runs for 22 minutes, and is most famous for an opening sequence in which Keaton plays every role.

The power to change

Today the European Union produces a sixth of its electricity using renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydro power.But that proportion will have to more than double over the coming decade if the EU is to keep its promise of tackling climate change by ensuring that 20 percent of our energy comes from renewable sources by 2020.This film, shot in Germany, Denmark and Spain looks at a number of projects supported by the EU's Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, which are designed to help the Union meet this ambitious target. Download subtitles:

The Present - Official

"The Present" is a thesis short from the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
Un niño apasionado a los videojuegos y un perro, quienes comparten una discapacidad, son los protagonistas de este precioso corto animado que invita a reflexionar sobre la capacidad de superación, la autoaceptación y el respeto a los demás. Se trata de un vídeo que aborda el tema de la discapacidad vista desde la perspectiva infantil y toca la exclusión y los estereotipos de una forma ... continua