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1960 - Horror On an island community off of New England, Tom Stewart is preparing to marry the woman he loves. His plans are threatened by his old girlfriend, Vi, who shows up secretly. During a confrontation at the top of the island's lighthouse, the railing breaks and Vi falls. Tom has a chance to save her but doesn't. Tom's relief at Vi's accident soon fades when her vengeful spirit begins showing up wherever he goes.Directed by: Bert I. GordonWriting credits: Bert I. Gordon, George Worthing YatesCast: Richard Carlson - Susan Gordon - Lugene Sanders - Juli Reding - ... continua

Sperimentazione nella scuola elementare

La comunicazione nonviolenta Sperimentazione nella scuola elementare A cura di Vilma Costetti Visita il sito: www.centroesserci.it

Sones y Pasiones: Argentina en voz de mujer

Uno de los factores que distinguen a Argentina dentro de la canción popular latinoamericana es la fuerte presencia de la voz femenina como eje, digamos, de una articulación cultural. Teresa Parodi como cantautora y Mercedes Sosa como intérprete, por citar solo dos ejemplos, son íconos culturales de una fuerza y arrastre increíbles. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Up in the Air

1940 - ComedyA none-too-popular (nor good) radio singer, Rita Wilson (Lorna Gray) is murdered while singing on the air in a radio studio. Radio page boy, Frankie Ryan (Frankie Darro), and his janitor pal, Jeff (Mantan Moreland), solve the mystery for the none-too-sharp police.Directed by: Howard BrethertonWriting credits: Edmond KelsoCast: Frankie Darro - Marjorie Reynolds - Mantan Moreland - Gordon Jones- Lorna Gray - Tristram Coffin - Clyde Dilson - Dick Elliott - John Holland - Carleton Young - Alex Callam - Maxine Leslie - Ralph Peters - Jack Mather - Dennis ... continua

Sperimentazione nella scuola materna di Montecchio

La comunicazione nonviolenta Gioia, il segreto di una giraffa Sperimentazione nella scuola materna di Montecchio Visita il sito: www.centroesserci.it

Sones y Pasiones: Bachata más allá de lo rosa.

La bachata, reproduce el espíritu melancólico, nostálgico y de animosidad amorosa de otras expresiones musicales latinoamericanas como el llamado tango-canción de los barrios porteños de Buenos Aires, donde se combina la animosidad pasional (amor-desamor) con la nostalgia del migrante. Al igual, en la bachata conocemos de esta nostalgia en la expresión musical debido al hecho de que esto coincidió con el período de mayor auge de la cultura sub-urbana proveniente de la migración rural-urbana a partir de 1961. En ese período se le conoció como ... continua

Weapons of Death

1982 - ActionKung Fu expert Eric Lee splatters his enemies all over San Francisco's Chinatown.Directed by: Paul KyriaziWriting credits: Paul KyriaziCast: Eric Lee - Bob Ramos - Ralph Catellanos - Louis Bailey - Gerald OkamuraVisit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it

Sones y Pasiones: Johnny Ventura

En el capítulo dedicado Johnny Ventura cuenta su vida, sus sueños de arquitecto, su trayectoria y su devenir social y político. Después de 50 años de constante trajinar por el ritmo que más identifica al pueblo dominicano, el cantante Johnny Ventura anuncia su retiro de los escenarios. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Clean air for all

Cars have long served as the chief means of transport in cities. Their use has risen from one year to the next: for every 100 trips, 82 are made by car, 12 in public transport and 6 by bicycle. Over the longer term, this creates two major problems: ever longer (and more stressful) traffic jams and increasingly dense air pollution in cities. The latter aspect is particularly alarming because it has a direct harmful impact on people’s health.In societies undergoing steady demographic changes, traffic has risen significantly in cities. Urban areas are sources of growth ... continua

039)- A Schiena Dritta - Puntata 28/05/2004

A Schiena Dritta Nada Ma che freddo fa, Amore disperato: canzoni intramontabili. Ma Nada nel tempo si è evoluta, ha sperimentato nuove sonorità, ha scritto un libro auto-biografico che trasuda dolore. Adesso torna con un nuovo lp "Tutto l'amore che mi manca". Una voce femminile a cui non possiamo rinunciare. Per gentile concessione di Nessuno Tv Visita il sito: www.nessuno.tv