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71.483 filmati visualizzati 104.363.905 volte

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Il postino suona sempre due volte

Nella California meridionale, un vagabondo è assunto come meccanico dal proprietario d'una stazioncina di servizio. Ben presto la giovane moglie insoddisfatta di costui lo spinge ad uccidere il marito. I due la fanno franca, ma la donna muore in un incidente e l'uomo viene condannato a morte perché ritenuto, a torto, colpevole della morte dell'amante

I see a dark stranger

A young Irish woman hates England so much she becomes a Nazi spy

La hija de la laguna

Nélida es una campesina de Cajamarca que se comunica con la naturaleza, especialmente con las lagunas de las que dependen la vida de su comunidad. Justo debajo de la laguna de Conga, la corporación minera más grande de América Latina, Yanacocha, descubrió una veta de oro por valor de miles de millones de dólares. La empresa cuenta con el apoyo del Gobierno del Perú, a pesar de que este proyecto destruirá las lagunas.
Aunque parte de la población es favorable a la actividad minera, la mayoría de los campesinos de la zona se oponen a este proyecto ... continua

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode16 - Room and Bored

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode15 - Foot Brawl

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode14 - Chilly Chums

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode13 - Tragic Magic

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode12 - Busman s Holiday

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode11 - Guest Who

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode10 - Half-Baked Alaska

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode09 - Careless Caretaker

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode08 - Pigeon Patrol

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode07 - Bedtime Bedlam

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode06 - Case of the Red-Eyed Ruby

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season15 Episode05 - Bunco Busters

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

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Pace. Qualcosa si muove

I rumori di guerra dall'Europa al Medioriente e oltre si fanno sempre più assordanti al punto che sembra che ormai la cosiddetta comunità internazionale non riesca più a sentire. Eppure in forma carsica e discreta qualcosa si muove. Ieri nella sala Zuccari del Senato l'associazione Remind ha promosso l'incontro "Oltre i confini della pace" che segna la nascita dell'intergruppo parlamentare ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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