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Telegiornale Spazio Aperto N°006

Telegiornale Spazio Aperto N°6 Documento TOP SECRET del Pentagono Spiegazione del professore Giampiero Abbate della Comunità Europea A cura di Massimo Bonella In collaborazione con Teleidea Chianciano Biografia di Massimo Bonella

The Lost City 7

1935 - Sci-fi / Fantasy
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical ... continua

Facing up to a globalised world - The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund

While more open trade leads to more overall benefit for growth and jobs, the EU recognises that, although European labour markets are usually capable of coping with globalisation, the consequences can also be negative e.g. job loss. In exceptional circumstances, specific support may be needed to deal with the situation.
The EGF is a new tool to help do this and is an expression of European solidarity with the people affected. What's been described as an economic shock absorber, the EGF will provide up to 500 million euros a year for those directly affected by job ... continua

Labour Law - 'flexicurity' in a changing labour market

Labour law is an important tool, not only in dealing with the management of the workforce, but also in providing a sense of security to workers and citizens in a world of rapid change and high mobility of capital and technology.
The Commission is not aiming for a "one-size-fits-all" approach as a miracle recipe across the EU. Taking as examples the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, the video shows how three EU member states adapt their national employment models according to the changing needs of the labour market and how they apply the concept of flexicurity.
The ... continua

04)Per un'altra globalizzazione...- Domande del pubblico

PER UN'ALTRA GLOBALIZZAZIONE... Le economie solidali: Una proposta per un futuro sostenibile Alberto Castagnola intervista Luis Razeto economista cileno Un economista italiano, tra i maggiori esperti di rapporti nord/sud del mondo, intervista uno degli economisti piu' noti in america latina e nel mondo per la sua conoscenza e suoi studi sull'economia solidale.

Water is Life

The projects are located in and around Kitui and Makueni, two hour's outside Nairobi. The VNR "Water is life" profiles projects managed by two NGOs, AMREF and the German Red Cross, whose innovative technical approach to increasing access to safe water and hygienic sanitation facilities in rural Kenya is a crucial part of the EU's response to the perennial challenge of bringing water to those most in need. To illustrate this, the report shows exactly how, in contrast to previous initiatives, the local community is actively engaged in taking ownership of different water ... continua

02)Per un'altra globalizzazione... Intervento di Alberto Castagnola

PER UN'ALTRA GLOBALIZZAZIONE... Le economie solidali: Una proposta per un futuro sostenibile Alberto Castagnola intervista Luis Razeto economista cileno Un economista italiano, tra i maggiori esperti di rapporti nord/sud del mondo, intervista uno degli economisti piu' noti in america latina e nel mondo per la sua conoscenza e suoi studi sull'economia solidale.

Eduardo da Luz, embajador del candombe

Músico Uruguayo de dilatada trayectoria a nivel nacional e internacional. Comenzó su carrera en el año 1962 en la Revista Infantil de Miguel A. Manzi, pasando luego a la Escuelita Nueva Olita. El film a su disposición recoge imágenes de la gira efectuada en Suiza y España durante el 2006. Cámara y montaje: Sergio Medina Producción: CdS producciones Lausana, Suiza Gentileza / Fuente: Corrreo del Sur Visita el sitio: www.eduardodaluz.com Visita el sitio: www.correodelsur.ch

Estado de guerra

Este documental tiene como obejtivo el responder a la siguiente cuestión: ¿Estamos nosotros viviendo un proceso histórico similar a aquél momento previo que se vivía entre las dos guerras mundiales? Para la historiadora Annie Lacroix-Riz los hechos que desencaderon las guerras en el siglo XX, sobretodo las disputadas en la zona de Europa del Este, son tan símiles que extrañarse de un nuevo desembolvimiento bélico es casi inocente. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Electricity and Gas: You choose!

Already effective in nine Member States, the liberalisation of gas and electricity markets comes into effect throughout the European Union from July 1, 2007. Consumers of electricity and gas across the whole EU now have the right to freely choose their supplier. Competitive prices, a quality service and consumers’ rights protection should be the benefits of this liberalisation, started more than 10 years ago by the European Commission. The liberalisation of the gas and electricity markets should also reinforce the interconnections between the Member States and ... continua

03)Per un'altra globalizzazione...- Intervento di Luis Razeto

PER UN'ALTRA GLOBALIZZAZIONE... Le economie solidali: Una proposta per un futuro sostenibile Alberto Castagnola intervista Luis Razeto economista cileno Un economista italiano, tra i maggiori esperti di rapporti nord/sud del mondo, intervista uno degli economisti piu' noti in america latina e nel mondo per la sua conoscenza e suoi studi sull'economia solidale.

CITES: protecting endangered species

Commonly referred to by its acronym of CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is a long-standing international agreement adopted in Washington in 1973, under the aegis of the United Nations. It has been in force since 1975. The 171 States (including the Member States of the European Union) who subscribe to this convention are committed to regulating international trade in wild animals and plants so as to prevent the threat of trade to species in danger of extinction. The European Union is an active ... continua

01)Per un'altra globalizzazione...- Introduzione di Mario Cavani

PER UN'ALTRA GLOBALIZZAZIONE... Le economie solidali: Una proposta per un futuro sostenibile Alberto Castagnola intervista Luis Razeto economista cileno Un economista italiano, tra i maggiori esperti di rapporti nord/sud del mondo, intervista uno degli economisti piu' noti in america latina e nel mondo per la sua conoscenza e suoi studi sull'economia solidale.

The Fatal Glass of Beer

1933 - Short / Comedy Mr. Snavely, a Yukon prospector, lost his only son years ago to the temptations of the big city; now the prodigal Chester, released from prison, comes home to Ma and Pa. A parody of Yukon melodrama; includes the famous looking-out-the-door routine. Directed by:Clyde Bruckman Complete credited cast: W.C. FieldsRosemary ThebyGeorge ChandlerRichard Cramer Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

Living with Climate Change

Global warming is happening. Temperatures have already risen by 0.76 degrees since the industrial revolution and are projected to rise further by 1.8 - 4 degrees by the end of the century. The last time climate change happened at this pace was 125,000 years ago and led to a 4-6 metre sea level rise.
Global warming at the upper end of the scale predicted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change would have catastrophic consequences for Europe. Up to 30% of plant, animal and bird species would be wiped out and the threat of natural disasters such as landslides, ... continua

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La Fondazione per la scuola italiana

A cosa mai servirà la Fondazione per la Scuola Italiana inaugurata solennemente ieri a Milano alla presenza del ministro dell'istruzione e del merito? Il sito del ministero dice testualmente (e vagamente): "a recepire le esigenze territoriali e ottimizzare l'allocazione di risorse, attraverso lo sviluppo di progetti e bandi nazionali". Certo è che a finanziare l'operazione ci sono UniCredit, ... continua

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