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The Hurricane Express - Episode 6 - The Airport Mystery

1932 - Adventure / Crime / Drama
The Wrecker wrecks trains on the L & R Railroad. One of his victims is Larry Baker's father. Baker wants to find the evildoer, among a host of suspects, but it will be difficult since the Wrecker can disguise himself to look like almost anyone.
Directed by:J.P. McGowan, Armand Schaefer
Writing credits:Colbert Clark, Wyndham Gittens
Complete Credited cast:
Tully Marshall Conway TearleJohn WayneShirley GreyEdmund BreeseLloyd WhitlockAl BridgeMatthew BetzJoseph W. GirardJames P. BurtisErnie AdamsCharles KingJ. Farrell ... continua

The Hurricane Express - Episode 7 - Sealed Lips

1932 - Adventure / Crime / Drama
The Wrecker wrecks trains on the L & R Railroad. One of his victims is Larry Baker's father. Baker wants to find the evildoer, among a host of suspects, but it will be difficult since the Wrecker can disguise himself to look like almost anyone.
Directed by:J.P. McGowan, Armand Schaefer
Writing credits:Colbert Clark, Wyndham Gittens
Complete Credited cast:
Tully Marshall Conway TearleJohn WayneShirley GreyEdmund BreeseLloyd WhitlockAl BridgeMatthew BetzJoseph W. GirardJames P. BurtisErnie AdamsCharles KingJ. Farrell ... continua

The Hurricane Express - Episode 8 - Outside the Law

1932 - Adventure / Crime / Drama
The Wrecker wrecks trains on the L & R Railroad. One of his victims is Larry Baker's father. Baker wants to find the evildoer, among a host of suspects, but it will be difficult since the Wrecker can disguise himself to look like almost anyone.
Directed by:J.P. McGowan, Armand Schaefer
Writing credits:Colbert Clark, Wyndham Gittens
Complete Credited cast:
Tully Marshall Conway TearleJohn WayneShirley GreyEdmund BreeseLloyd WhitlockAl BridgeMatthew BetzJoseph W. GirardJames P. BurtisErnie AdamsCharles KingJ. Farrell ... continua

The Hurricane Express - Episode 9 - The Invisible Enemy

1932 - Adventure / Crime / Drama
The Wrecker wrecks trains on the L & R Railroad. One of his victims is Larry Baker's father. Baker wants to find the evildoer, among a host of suspects, but it will be difficult since the Wrecker can disguise himself to look like almost anyone.
Directed by:J.P. McGowan, Armand Schaefer
Writing credits:Colbert Clark, Wyndham Gittens
Complete Credited cast:
Tully Marshall Conway TearleJohn WayneShirley GreyEdmund BreeseLloyd WhitlockAl BridgeMatthew BetzJoseph W. GirardJames P. BurtisErnie AdamsCharles KingJ. Farrell ... continua

The Imitation Game: La vera storia dei magnifici 5 di Cambridge

Cambridge, anni 30, in una delle università più importanti e famose del mondo, 5 uomini, Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt e John Cairncross, cominciarono a collaborare, inviando preziose informazioni, con l'Unione Sovietica. Dal progetto Manhattan al progetto Venona, la collaborazione tra i cinque agenti doppiogiochisti e l'allora Unione Sovietica coprì un'arco di tempo a partire dagli anni 30 fino al periodo della guerra fredda.

The immigrant

Charlie Chaplin's 61st Film The Immigrant (also called Broke) starring the Charlie Chaplin Tramp character as an immigrant coming to the United States who is accused of theft on the voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, and befriends a young woman along the way. It also stars Edna Purviance and Eric Campbell

The Impossible Kid

1982 - Martial Arts Weng Weng is now working for the Manila branch of Interpol. The Chief sends him in the pursuit of Mr X, an arch villian with a white sock on his head, who is holding the Philippines to ransom. Two businessmen, Maolo and Simeon, pay the demands but Weng Weng suspects foul play and goes deep undercover to reveal the identity of Mr X.Directed by: Eddie Nicart Writing credits: Greg Macabenta Cast: Weng Weng, Boy Banes, Tony Carreon, Joe Cunanan, Romy Diaz, Ben Johnson, Efren Lapid, Renato Morado, Chicklet Moreno, Ben Morro, Romy Nario, Ruben ... continua

The impractical Joker

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua

The inauguration of BergamoScienza 2022 with Nobel Prize awarded Sir Andrej Gejm

Le scoperte scientifiche più straordinarie sono spesso il frutto di una curiosità giocosa e iconoclasta. Questo è certamente il caso della scoperta del grafene, un materiale rivoluzionario che è valso al suo scopritore – lo scienziato Andre Geim – il premio Nobel per la fisica. Sottile, leggero, flessibile e trasparente, ma anche forte, resistente, impermeabile e dotato di un’elevata conducibilità, il gra- fene è stato isolato da Geim e dai suoi collaboratori durante uno dei loro celebri “esperimenti del venerdì notte”, dedicati a progetti curiosi, ... continua

Visita: festival.bergamoscienza.it

The incredible flying fusillo

The incredible flying fusillo - di Luciano Merighi: Fusilli volanti, libero sfogo agli effetti speciali caserecci, vero punto di forza del regista e della sua fimografia. Visita il sito: www.fuoriicorto.tv