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El club secreto

El servicio de inteligencia iraní está realizando una operación secreta con el Gobierno de Malasia, para intentar suprimir la conspiración de un grupo insurgente que intentan manchar la reputación de Irán.

Mr. Reckless

Mr. Reckless is a 1948 American film directed by Frank McDonald

Fog Island

Leo, a former convict, is living in seclusion on an island with his step-daughter, the daughter of his late wife. Leo was framed by a group of former business associates, and he also suspects that one of them killed his wife. He has invited the group to his island, tempting them by hinting about a hidden fortune, and he has installed a number of traps and secret passages in his home. He is aided in his efforts by a former cell-mate who holds a grudge against the same persons. When everyone arrives, the atmosphere of mutual suspicion and the thick fog that covers the ... continua

The Adventurer

Charlie Chaplin's 62nd Film
The Adventurer is a short comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin. It is the last out of the twelve films made while he was under contract for the Mutual Film Corportation.
Chaplin plays an escaped convict on the run from prison guards. He falls into favor with a wealthy family after he saves a young lady (Edna Purviance) from drowning, but her suitor (Eric Campbell) does everything he can to have Chaplin apprehended by the officials.
The film also stars Henry Bergman, and Albert Austin, and marked the final film of his ... continua

It's A Joke, Son

The first Eagle-Lion film stars Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn, his "Allen's Alley" resident-character heard on Fred Allen's radio program. Claghorn was a blustery, one-man-Chamber-of-Commerce for all things Southern, who had no tolerence for anything north of the Mason-Dixon line, although he made allowances for South Philly. The character inspired the creation of one of the most popular of the Warners' cartoon characters, Foghorn Leghorn, who re-worked most of the originals material and style. The title of this movie is a stock line- "it's a joke, ... continua

Luis Alberto Crespo, Poeta, en ‘Aquí con Ernesto Villegas’

Umberto Galimberti - Feticismo del mercato

¿Qué repercusiones deja en las mujeres el proceso de donación de óvulos?

La donación de óvulos es una práctica popularizada en los procesos de reproducción asistida, pero en realidad no es una es una donación porque es un acto remunerado debido a las molestias psicológicas y físicas que implica para las mujeres que dan sus óvulos a las clínicas de fertilidad. Además, esta industria generalmente se basa en criterios racistas y de precarización en la selección de óvulos. Analizamos este proceso con Júlia Bacardit, periodista y autora de 'El precio de ser madre'

Carlo Ruta. La morte di Severino Boezio nel tempo di Teoderico. Conferenza storica 7 aprile 2021

Per le aristocrazie romane era un barbaro, ostrogoto, ma la sua esperienza di re dei Goti e dei Romani, di fatto re d’Italia, fu straordinaria. Non fece l’Italia perché nella sua epoca un’impresa del genere non era possibile, ma, in qualche modo la «incubò» e la immaginò, prima che per il paese arrivasse il tempo della catastrofe.
Teoderico, re goto in Italia dal 493 al 526, si presenta come una delle figure più forti ed emblematiche dell’Europa tardo-antica. Attraverso la sua vicenda politica egli riesce a rispecchiare la complessità di un’epoca, ... continua


Javier Van de Couter. Argentina - 2011
Hace una década el Congreso Argentino sancionaba la ley de Identidad de Género. Fue la primera a nivel mundial elaborada desde una perspectiva no patologizante hacia las identidades trans, que reconoce el derecho a la salud integral y permite acceder al cambio registral mediante un simple trámite administrativo. Una ley pionera que marcó un antes y un después en la sociedad argentina.
El presente film relata la historia de una mujer trans que sobrevive precariamente y muestra la discriminación, la pobreza y la ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org