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Tom & Jerry 049 - Texas Tom

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.

Tom & Jerry 050 - Jerry and the Lion

Tom and Jerry is an American comedy slapstick cartoon series created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between the title characters Tom, a cat, and Jerry, a mouse. Many episodes also feature several recurring characters.

Comidas mapuche

Illael, alimenatación mapuche Publicado por: Idioma Cultura y Noticias Mapuche

Chile. Ley de lactancia, protege a las madres para amamantar en lugares públicos

Establece multas a quienes prohíban o amenacen a una madre de hacerlo Autor 24horas.cl Publicado por 24horas.cl

Clase Magistral de Daniel Jadue en Congreso de Antención Primaria

Una verdadera clase magistral que nuestro compañero Alcalde de Recoleta, Daniel Jadue, dió en un congreso de Atención Primaria de Salud. La verdadera función del Estado, la permeabilizacion del mismo por parte de la ciudadanía y así elevar el nivel de conciencia, alianzas políticas para avanzar y transformar, etc. Gracias a Recoleta TV (RTV) por registrar el evento. Fuente: http://www.recoleta.cl/rtv/ Autor: Recoleta TV (RTV) Publicado por: Partido Comunista Valparaíso

El norte de Chile es muy rico en arte rupestre

¡Patrimonio arqueológico de Chile en Peligro! Algunos cerros de los valles de Lluta y Azapa presentan geoglifos zoomorfos, antropomorfos y abstractos. Han sido fechados entre 1000 y 1500 años DC. ¿Valoramos nuestros tesoros nacionales? Publicado por: Kloketen Producciones


Antes y después de los nazis, Gran Bretaña tenía varios campos de concentración diseminados por el mundo. Aberrantes casos, que mayormente no son mencionados ni recordados. Advertencia: IMÁGENES FUERTES. http://bit.ly/2gJjYOx Publicado por: Annur tv

Aquel que tiene la soberanía sobre todas las cosas - Documental completo en español

A lo largo y ancho del inabarcable universo, todos los cuerpos celestes se mueven con precisión en sus respectivas órbitas. Bajo los cielos, todos los montes, ríos y lagos están delimitados y todas las criaturas viven y se reproducen durante las cuatro estaciones de conformidad con las leyes de la vida... Todo esto tiene un diseño extremadamente exquisito; ¿existe un Todopoderoso que lo gobierna y dispone? Desde que venimos llorando a este mundo comenzamos a desempeñar distintos papeles en la vida. Pasamos del nacimiento a la vejez, la enfermedad y la muerte, ... continua

Visita: www.kingdomsalvation.org

Musikdrama "Xiaozhens Geschichte" | Die Transformation des christlichen Lebens

Xiao Zhen war eine reine, gutherzige Christin, die ihre Freunde immer aufrichtig behandelte. Doch wenn es zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil war, wurden ihre früheren Freunde zu ihrem Feind, nachdem sie diese Tragödie erlitten hatte, war Xiao Zhen gezwungen, ihr wahres Herz und ihre formellen Prinzipien aufzugeben. Sie fing an, ihr gutes Gewissen und ihren guten Geist zu verraten und schwelgte im Sumpf der bösen Welt. Als sie ihre Anmut verlor und einen Weg der Verderbtheit ging, wurde sie von der Welt zertrampelt und mit Narben und Prellungen übersät. Sie war in einer ... continua

Visita: 23

One Body Too Many

Insurance salesman Albert Tuttle arrives at the Cyrus J. Rutherford estate to sell the millionaire some life insurance. Rutherford is already dead and his heirs have gathered at the mansion to hear the reading of the will. Rutherford's will won't be read until he is properly entombed and the heirs are forced to stay on the premises or be denied their inheritance. Tuttle soon finds himself mixed up in shenanigans involving Rutherford's niece, secret passages, a missing body and murder.


Palooka is a 1934 comedy film based on the comic strip by Ham Fisher.
Joe Palooka (Stuart Erwin) is a naive young man whose father Pete (Robert Armstrong) was a champion boxer, but his lifestyle caused Joe's mother Mayme (Marjorie Rambeau) to leave him and to take young Joe to the country to raise him. But when a shady boxing manager (Jimmy Durante) discovers Joe's natural boxing talent, Joe decides to follow him to the big city, where he becomes a champion and begins to follow his father's path of debauchery, much of it including the glamorous cabaret singer Nina ... continua

Parlor, Bedroom and Bath

Parlor, Bedroom and Bath is a curious mixture of all that was good and everything that was bad in Buster Keaton's talkie features. sidenote: The Movie was completely filmed in Buster Keaton private 10,000- square-foot Mediterranean palazzo in Beverly Hills


When Pollyanna (Mary Pickford) is orphaned, she is sent to live with her crotchety Aunt Polly (Katherine Griffith). Pollyanna discovers that many of the people in her aunt's New England home town are as ill-tempered as her aunt. But Pollyanna's incurable optimism - exemplified by her "glad game," in which she looks for the bright side of every situation - bring a change to the staid old community.

Revolt of the Zombies

The film is set during World War I. A "French Cambodian" contingent had heard strange stories about zombification--supposedly Angkor Wat was built by utilizing zombies--and there are tales of zombie armies easily overcoming foes. Armand Louque (Dean Jagger) brings back a priest who supposedly knows the secret of zombification, but he won't talk. So Louque and an international military contingent head to Angkor Wat on an archaeological expedition designed to discover the secret of zombification and destroy the information before zombies have a chance to "wipe out the ... continua

Riding on Air

Smugglers are using a device for controlling airplanes in flight, and newspaper reporters from Chicago are vying for the story. Reporter Elmer Lane is out to scoop rival reporter Betty Harrison, and capture her heart in the process.

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Chiedere perdono

È importante quanto una luce che il presidente della Germania partecipi alle commemorazioni della strage di Monte Sole e chieda pubblicamente perdono del massacro operato dalle SS ottanta anni fa! È un richiamo a vigilare perché mai si ripeta un orrore simile. In realtà però si sta ripetendo ad esempio nella Striscia di Gaza e in Libano così come si è realizzato il 7 ottobre in Israele e ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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