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71.439 filmati visualizzati 104.266.542 volte

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The last three

Germany's Adolf Hitler, with his Axis-stooges, Italy's Mussolini and Japan's Suki Yama, although he tried to avoid taking them, is on his way, via submarine, to a tropical country to negotiate a treaty with the High Chief Paj Mab. However, an American P.T-boat crew is already there and have some plans for schickenbit-grubber and his buddies

The knockout

To show his girl how brave he is Fatty challenges the champion to a fight. Charlie referees, trying to avoid contact with the two monsters

Christlicher Film | Ich bin ein guter mensch! | Ein guter Mensch zu sein, der von Gott gelobt wird

Yang Huixin, eine Christin, liebt es seit ihrer Kindheit ein guter Mensch zu sein.Aber erst, nachdem sie das Evangelium der Allmächtigen Gottes der letzten Tage akzeptiertund das Gericht und die Züchtigung durch die Worte Gottes erlebt hat, erwacht sie und erkennt, dass sie kein wahrer, guter Mensch ist...

Visita: www.kingdomsalvation.org

1000 Gestalten/ G 20 Hamburg

Hamburg, July 5th 2017. Performance a gran escala en las calles de Hamburgo. Quizás la mejor declaración para la cumbre del G20. Una actuación grandiosa y una importante contribución a la crítica de la globalización, muy constructiva. Vielleicht das beste Statement zum G20-Gipfel. Eine grandiose Performanz und ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Globalisierungskritik, sehr konstruktiv. Autor: 1000 GESTALTEN Publicado por: 1000 GESTALTEN

Mis republicanos, Sergio Dantí

Viejos comunistas viejos anarquistas viejos luchadores de nuestra igualdad... Publicado por: Olivia Oñate

2019 - 2024: Lo sconvolgimento geopolitico

Gli scenari di guerra futuri che potranno verificarsi se il mondo non prenderà coscienza dell'immane tragedia che potrebbe scaturirne

Visita: www.facebook.com

The rival mashers

Charlie and a rival vie for the favors of their landlady. In the park they each fall for different girls, though Charlie's has a male friend already. Charlie considers suicide, is talked out of it by a policeman, and later throws his girl's friend into the lake. Frightened, the girls go off to a movie. Charlie shows up there and flirts with them. Later both rivals substitute themselves for the girls and attack the unwitting Charlie. In an audience-wide fight, Charlie is tossed through the screen

Where there's a Will

Will Hay plays Benjamin Stubbins a penniless seedy solicitor cum jack of all trades who happens to have rich relations in the country, and a cluttered office in the City directly above a bank. Unfortunately he makes the acquaintance of a gang of acquisitive gun-toting thieves who think he's a useful contact to have in the furtherance of their aims

Libko: Orgulloso de su cultura Pewenche - mapuche, Chile

La historia de un niño mapuche pewenche
¡¡Cada día nacen y crecen muchos Libko por el Wallmapu!!
¿Con que sueñas?
Pablo Mora Luna: La percepción basada en los prejuicios racistas y el "buen" manejo de los medios de comunicación desde la cultura huinca- occidental cristiana o chilena, como quiera denominarse es que los mapuches son "flojos", "borrachos" y "conflictivos",... la historia de Libko nos situa en la verdadera visión desde el otro como un auténtico otro, con otros valores, en donde la familia esta al centro de la vida, la relación de respeto y ... continua

Trapped by television

Not to be confused with "Murder By Television" starring Bela Lugosi. This film is about a young inventor trying to get his television system financed. A gang of crooks are out to stop him. This film is considered science fiction by many because the concept of television was still on the drawing boards in the 30's, but it's also a comedy. Stars Lyle Talbot, Mary Astor, Nat Pendleton, and Joyce Compton. Whether you would consider this scifi or not, you should find it entertaining anyway

UFO: target earth

Incredibly stupid and silly sci-fi flick about a dorky young man who starts to investigate UFO's and then hears strange noises coming from a local lake where it was reported decades earlier that a spaceship crashed

Uncle Joe

Young girl, sent to the country to avoid the amours of an artist, meets up with her backwards inventor uncle Joe and four country boys, who must all band together to keep the bank from forclosing on a friend of the family

Warning from space

UFO's are seen around Tokyo. Because they look like giant starfish the aliens cannot approach us without creating panic. Hence one of them sacrifices itself and takes the form of a popular female singer. It/she warns mankind that a meteor will crash on Earth. While the approaching meteor causes hotter and hotter weather, mankind runs and builds a last-chance anti-meteor weapon

White Pongo

Hunters and scientists venture into the jungle to track down a savage albino gorilla, which they believe could be the missing link between man and ape

Wife and auto trouble

A mild-mannered man's problems with his domineering wife and mother-in-law lead to complications with the law

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Chiedere perdono

È importante quanto una luce che il presidente della Germania partecipi alle commemorazioni della strage di Monte Sole e chieda pubblicamente perdono del massacro operato dalle SS ottanta anni fa! È un richiamo a vigilare perché mai si ripeta un orrore simile. In realtà però si sta ripetendo ad esempio nella Striscia di Gaza e in Libano così come si è realizzato il 7 ottobre in Israele e ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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