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Ghosts of Hanley House

Low-budget Haunted House Horror Movie about 5 people who spend the night at old house where two people were murdererd. Its a little amateurish, but is fairly creepy and even a little scary

Ghosts on the Loose

Glimpy's surprisingly beautiful sister (Ava Gardner) is getting married to Jack (Rick Vallin), a young engineer, and moving to a 'bargain' suburban house neither has ever seen. During the honeymoon, the East Side Kids decide to fix up the house for the newlyweds...but mistakenly pick the 'haunted' house next door, which is occupied by some mysterious live men (Bela Lugosi), dodging in and out of secret panels and clearly up to no good

Horror hotel

Also known as City of The Dead, Horror Hotel is a horror movie with a witchcraft theme. Christopher Lee stars

Estado de sitio

En Uruguay, en el año 1970, un funcionario ligado a la CIA perteneciente a una agencia gubernamental estadounidense orientada al entrenamiento de fuerzas policiales extranjeras, Daniel Anthony Mitrione (Yves Montand), es secuestrado por la guerrilla urbana uruguaya. Luego de interrogarlo, se condiciona su libertad ante el gobierno, a cambio de la liberación de 150 guerrilleros encarcelados. Esta situación desencadena una crisis política de trágicas consecuencias.
  • Visualizzazioni: 31599
  • Lingua: SPAGNOLO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: Esteban Fernández | Durata: 114.98 min | Pubblicato il: 2019-02-12
  • Totale: 357 filmati
  • Categoria: Lungometraggi
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 1.0/5 (19 voti)
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¿Qué es el capitalismo?

Mejor explicado por un obrero peruano, en la calle, con palabras simples Publicada por Abraham Fe

Comida a cambio de plástico

Una manera interesante de reciclar el plástico ayudando a gente de muy bajos ingresos. Tiendas que permiten que la gente pague con plásticos en deshuso su comida. Existen en Haití, Filipinas y Brasil The Plastic Bank que pagan a personas para recolectar basura plástica. Publicado por. Foro Económico Mundial

Gammera the invincible

The film opens with Gamera's awakening from the accidental detonation of an atomic bomb as a result of an aerial assault by American fighters on Soviet bombers caught crossing into North American airspace. Gamera wastes no time in causing a rampage of destruction, first destroying a Japanese research ship, then making its way to Japan to wreak havoc. In an attempt to stop the giant turtle, Gamera is sedated with a freezing agent on a precipice, and powerful explosives are placed at the base. The explosion knocks the monster on its back, and while it seems as though ... continua

Phantom planet

After an invisible asteroid draws an astronaut and his ship to its surface, he is miniaturized by the phantom planet's exotic atmosphere

L'Arte della Guerra - Washington, la ragione della forza

Segnalo questo video molto caustico con il quale il nostro partner Manlio Dinucci, in collaborazione con un altro nostro partner, Pandora TV, presenta un riassunto dei FATTI DOCUMENTALI che si oppongono con la forza della ragione alla non-ragione della forza che gli Stati Uniti diffondono in tutto il pianeta.
Attacchi disperati, sia illegali che pericolosi, di un impero in caduta libera nel politico, economico e, soprattutto, morale; un impero che sta ancora in piedi solo grazie alla minaccia armata di 686 basi militari in 74 paesi (dati raccolti nel 2015, ... continua

Animación en 3D de Olivier Latta

Artista audiovisual alemán, que se inspira en situaciones cotidianas para provocarte. Sólo los valientes pueden llegar al final de este video. Gracias a http://www.extraweg.com/ https://www.instagram.com/extraweg/?hl=es-la Autor: Upsocl Video Publicado por Upsocl Video

Maury Valenzuela - Ricardo Pino Payador

Ya Son Muy Pocos Los que están Cuando Anda De Mala, Son Contados Los que están! Así Se Conoce A La Gente. Así Es La Gente !! Muy Linda Letra #RicardoPinoPayador!!! Publicado por Maury Valenzuela

The She Beast

A young woman is driving alongside a lake. She has an accident and the car plunges into the water. Her body is then possessed by the spirit of an 18th-century witch who was killed by local villagers, and is bent on avenging herself on them

Sita sings the blues

Sita is a goddess separated from her beloved Lord and husband Rama. Nina is an animator whose husband moves to India, then dumps her by email. Three hilarious shadow puppets narrate both ancient tragedy and modern comedy in this beautifully animated interpretation of the Indian epic Ramayana. Set to the 1920's jazz vocals of Annette Hanshaw, Sita Sings the Blues earns its tagline as "the Greatest Break-Up Story Ever Told."

Sky high

The film tells the story of a government agent investigating the smuggling of China aliens across the border in the Southwest United States


A London laundry woman tries to rise above her station in order to capture the love of a wealthy young man, and thus misses out on the truer love of one of her own class. Stars: Mary Pickford, Albert Austin, Harold Goodwin, Rose Dione, and Lavendor the Horse

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Chiedere perdono

È importante quanto una luce che il presidente della Germania partecipi alle commemorazioni della strage di Monte Sole e chieda pubblicamente perdono del massacro operato dalle SS ottanta anni fa! È un richiamo a vigilare perché mai si ripeta un orrore simile. In realtà però si sta ripetendo ad esempio nella Striscia di Gaza e in Libano così come si è realizzato il 7 ottobre in Israele e ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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