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A failed actor, after killing the mad scientist he works for, decides to take over the scientist's life and continue his work

The giant of Metropolis

A very imaginative Scifi sword and sandales movie by Umberto Scarpelli starring Gordon Mitchel in maybe his best film shot in Cine Citta

The evil mind

Claude Rains stars as Maximus, a phony mind-reader, who finds his predictions coming true

The devil's partner

An old man dies in his shack while performing satanic rites. Shortly afterward, a strange man shows up claiming to be the old man's nephew. When he moves in, strange things begin to happen, like a man being attacked by his own dog

Chile, las imágenes prohibidas de Chilevisión, cap 1 de 4

En el marco de la conmemoración de los 40 años del Golpe de Estado, "Chile, las imágenes prohibidas", fue el primer documental de memoria histórica, exhibido el miércoles 14 de agosto del 2013, a las 22.30 horas por Chilevisión, se tomó por 4 capítulos las semanas posteriores, los televisores de miles de chilenos que con horror repasaron los hitos más importantes de la historia de nuestro país durante los últimos cuarenta años.A partir de este documental, comenzaron a exhibirse otros más, produciendo una verdadera explosión de memoria, en que los ... continua

The demon

A serial killer stalks a young teacher while being hunted by a psychic investigator

La ricotta - Pier Paolo Pasolini

Nella campagna romana, una troupe è impegnata nelle riprese di una passione di Cristo. Stracci, la comparsa che interpreta il ladrone buono, regala ai propri familiari il cestino del pranzo appena ricevuto dalla produzione. Essendo affamato, si traveste da donna per rimediare un secondo cestino, che viene mangiato dal cagnolino della prima attrice del cast. Sul set giunge intanto un giornalista che intervista il regista; terminata l'intervista, il giornalista trova Stracci che accarezza il cane e glielo compra per mille lire. Con i soldi, Stracci corre dal ... continua

Lilian Magne, en el festival de Charango Ayquile

Desde Bolivia para el Mundo La virtuosa en Charango Lilian Magne Director: Víctor Hugo Burgos Publicado por: Pedro Tol

Jesse James meets Frankenstein's daughter

Taken from the IMDB: Legendary outlaw of the Old West Jesse James, on the run from Marshal MacPhee, hides out in the castle of Baron Frankenstein's granddaughter Maria, who proceeds to transform Jesse's slow-witted pal Hank into a bald zombie, which she names Igor

It's alive

In this sci-fi film a loony farmer finds a prehistoric monster hiding in a cavern on his land. To feed his newest critter, the farmer kidnaps three people. The three desperately try to escape and finally, one of them succeeds

Keep my grave open

Leslie is slowly losing her mind as she has to keep cleaning up after Kevin's murders . . . or is something even more sinister at play?

The mad monster

A mad scientist changes his simple-minded handyman into a werewolf in order to prove his supposedly crazy scientific theories - and exact revenge

The devil´s messenger

Long Chaney stars as Satan in this three part story based on a collection of episodes from the never-aired TV series No. 13 Demon St.. The Devil sends his reluctant messenger to the surface to recruit new souls. Once in Hell; the damned are instructed to prepare for the delivery of Satan's horrifying "final message" to earth

It came for friendship, but found food

2010 science fiction / horror feature film. Plot: Unemployed writer, Paul Mantel, has been chosen by Sheila, an agent of "the hive" to provide food to a hungry colony of space aliens hiding in a remote Oregon forest -- aliens that have an appetite for human flesh! This film made its premier at the 2010 Big Bear Horror Film Festival in Big Bear California

The fall of the house of usher

Allan visits the sinister Usher family mansion, where his friend Roderick is painting a portrait of his sickly wife Madeline. The portrait seems to be draining the life out of Madeline, slowly leading to her death

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Ri-costruiamo l'Europa della pace

Ri-costruiamo l'Europa della pace
Venerdì 31 gennaio 2025
Conferenza Stampa
Ore 12.00
Roma, Sala David Sassoli, Palazzo Valentini, Piazza Venezia 6 CLICCA QUI 
Interverranno, in presenza, Marco Tarquinio (S&D), Brando Benifei (S&D), Gaetano Pedullà (M5S), Dario Tamburrano (M5S), Carolina Morace (M5S); Flavio Lotti, ... continua

Fondazione Perugiassi per la Cultura della Pace

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