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Charlott Mabel aux courses

Charlie Chaplin's 30th Film Released Oct. 30 1914 as Gentlemen of Nerve

Charlie Chaplin's triple trouble

Charlie Chaplin's 50th Film released In 1918. (put together by Essanay from unfinished Chaplin films two years after he had left the company)

Caught in a caberet

Charlie Chaplins 12th film released. April 27 1914

Breakfast in Hollywood

A comedy about many women in Hollywood who try to get noticed at Tom Breneman's popular radio show Breakfast in Hollywood

Boys of the city

In the second East Side Kids film, Muggs and the gang are on their way to summer camp when they give a judge a lift to his gloomy mansion. After he later turns up dead, the kids find themselves searching dark passageways dominated by the sinister Minerva Urecal in their quest for the killer

Borrowed wives

Peter has to be married by midnight or else his inheritance goes to his uncle... Who happens to live in a "haunted house"


Bliss, 1917, alight little comedy starreing Harold Lloyd

Between Showers

Between Showers was a short film made by Keystone Studios and directed by Henry Lehrman. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Ford Sterling, Emma Bell Clifton, and Chester Conklin.

Behave Yourself

When a cute Welsh terrier follows Bill Denny home, little does he know that all gangland has its eye on that dog. Who will be bumbling Bill's undoing - the gangsters, the cops, or his suspicious mother-in-law? Stars Farley Granger and Shelley Winters.

Bees in Paradise

A WW2 bomber crashes on an island that turns out to be inhabited by an all-female society, whose mating rituals entail the death of the male. The bomber crew (little Arthur Askey & co) try to avoid betrothal, while convincing the girls to update their traditions.

Bee's Buzz

Andy and Harry get into trouble while trying to stop the marriage of Andy's daughter.

Beautiful clothes (make beautiful girls)

Harry Langdon lip syncs the title song and interacts with models

Band waggon

Arthur Askey and Richard Murdoch are discovered after months of living on the roof of Broadcasting House with their chickens and Lewis the goat, waiting for their chance at stardom.
On their subsequent aimless travels in their overladen car, the Askeytoff II, they end up renting the haunted Droom Castle for the princely sum of £3.
The perfectly natural explanation for the ghost is that Nazis are at the bottom of it all (in the basement), using a TV hook-up to Berlin.
Of course Arthur has a much better idea: put on a pirate TV station and broadcast a music show ... continua


Backstage with Fatty Arbuckle, a nice print of a simple little comedy from 1919. Mable Norman costars

At war with the army

Jerry is a hapless private and Dean is the bossy First Sergeant of a slipshod platoon at a stateside training base. Jerry and Dean were friends who grew up in the same neighborhood before Uncle Sam made GIs out of them. All of the stereotypical military comedy characters are present, including the loudmouth drill instructor, the conniving supply sergeant, the doting corporal and the bumbling, hen-pecked company commander

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Il Papa che dice buonasera

Che qualcosa potesse cambiare, anzi che di fatto stava cambiando, lo capimmo immediatamente al primo saluto. Era la sera del 13 marzo 2013 e Papa Bergoglio si affacciava per la prima volta dalla loggia di Piazza San Pietro dicendo: "Fratelli e sorelle buonasera". Un saluto laico e universale insieme. Un linguaggio immediato perché non impregnato dei codici religiosi ed ecclesiastici che saranno ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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