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76.289 filmati visualizzati 112.549.505 volte

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Ask dad

A young boy falls for his widowed father's efficient secretary, who has more sense than them both

Africa screams

Abbott & Costello search for diamonds in Africa, along the way meeting a visually-impaired gunner, a hungry lion, and a tribe of cannibals

A night in the show

Charlie plays two roles as two spectators at a music-hall show. It has a few good laughs and also provides an interesting look at old-fashioned theater entertainment

A flawed family flick

This is a project that was put together in just a few hours. Many young children have no interest in silent movies, which means they are missing some of the best movies ever made. We produced this short subject in the hope that it would spark some interest in old silent movies for a younger generation. I enjoyed the video so much I am now hoping to produce several more of them......Special Editors Note: we have created "Flawed Family Flicks" as a fun way to rekindle new interest in some great old movies. These remixes were originally created for my grandchildren, and ... continua

A farm-house romance

"Max, who has sponged upon a wealthy uncle, is told by that worthy to marry one of the daughters of an old friend of his. Max goes down to the farm. At a family council, it is hastily decided that Max must be induced to marry the elder daughter. The daughter shrewdly foresees that Max is more likely to want to marry her younger sister, and she accordingly insists on the sister being disguised as a servant during his stay. Max does not find farm life very congenial. The appearance of a pretty maid introduces some element of pleasure, and he has an exciting time for a ... continua

Track of the moon beast

A young man is transformed into a hideous "moon beast" due to a meteor fragment lodged in his body

Torture ship

A well known doctor is indicted for his experiments toward curing the criminal mind. Needing to continue his work and hoping that success will clear him, he buys a boat, loads it with several high profile criminals hoping to escape the law and heads out to sea. At least that's the plan, but things start to go wrong and things are revealed to be not what they seemed at first

The white gorilla

A group of white men are menaced by a mysterious white ape in this jungle thriller

The wasp woman

A scientist develops a youth formula for a cosmetics queen from jelly taken from queen wasps, failing to anticipate the typical horrible side effects

The transatlantic tunnel

It's the story of an engineer who takes on the most ambitious project ever - excavating a tunnel under the Atlantic Ocean from England to America - and the obstacles and sacrifices he makes while doing so. Stars Richard Dix and Leslie Banks with special appearances by George Arliss and Walter Huston. Directed by Maurice Elvey

The snow creature

A Himalayan expedition comes across a mountain being, manages to capture it, then transports it back to the United States

The Rogue's tavern

A mad killer is on the loose in a hotel on a dark, gloomy night

The robot vs. the aztec mummy

The walking Aztec mummy Popoca has returned, and this time he is pitted against a mad scientist and his creation, the Human Robot, a cyborg with a mechanical body, steel claws and a human head!!! This film is known to be sold by distributors that deal exclusively in public domain properties

The revenge of Dr. X

Aka Venus Flytrap or The Revenge Of Doctor X...A NASA scientist vacations in japan where he uses thunder and lightning to turn carnivorous plants into man-eating creatures...misleading title there's no revenge and he's not doctor x.. based on the Frankenstein story

The rats are coming! The werewolves are here!

The Mooney family has some strange secrets, as a man who married one of the daughters is soon to find out. Directed by Andy Milligan

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Il Papa che dice buonasera

Che qualcosa potesse cambiare, anzi che di fatto stava cambiando, lo capimmo immediatamente al primo saluto. Era la sera del 13 marzo 2013 e Papa Bergoglio si affacciava per la prima volta dalla loggia di Piazza San Pietro dicendo: "Fratelli e sorelle buonasera". Un saluto laico e universale insieme. Un linguaggio immediato perché non impregnato dei codici religiosi ed ecclesiastici che saranno ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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  • Viaggio al centro della Terra (ci sono voluti 8 giorni, ho perso 10 kg)
    Viaggio al centro della Terra (ci sono voluti 8 giorni, ho perso 10 kg)
    durata: 34.93 min
  • I tesori d'arte nelle chiese trentine (pt.1) - Comunità Alto Garda
    I tesori d'arte nelle chiese trentine (pt.1) - Comunità Alto Garda
    durata: 16.42 min
  • Festival Letterature 2023, 3 luglio
    Festival Letterature 2023, 3 luglio
    durata: 87.67 min
  • 34 segreti psicologici che i migliori esperti di Venditi usano per avere successo
    34 segreti psicologici che i migliori esperti di Venditi usano per avere successo
    durata: 49.65 min
  • Che il merlo stia ritornando bianco?
    Che il merlo stia ritornando bianco?
    durata: 1.88 min
  • Paolo Malaguti presenta 'Fumana' - Libreria palazzo Roberti, 14 settembre 2024
    Paolo Malaguti presenta 'Fumana' - Libreria palazzo Roberti, 14 settembre 2024
    durata: 68.02 min
  • La lettera accusatrice
    La lettera accusatrice
    durata: 72.07 min
  • 1227 - Napoleone e il colpo di stato del 18 Brumaio
    1227 - Napoleone e il colpo di stato del 18 Brumaio
    durata: 28.05 min
  • Dioniso e le Baccanti - Una tragedia greca di Euripide (Le Baccanti)
    Dioniso e le Baccanti - Una tragedia greca di Euripide (Le Baccanti)
    durata: 14.23 min
  • SuperQuark - Nati per la savana
    SuperQuark - Nati per la savana
    durata: 113.15 min
  • Non distogliere lo sguardo dalle vittime di guerra - Francesca Mannocchi e Irene Graziosi
    Non distogliere lo sguardo dalle vittime di guerra - Francesca Mannocchi e Irene Graziosi
    durata: 42.65 min
  • Lucendro: acque contese - Falò - RSI Info
    Lucendro: acque contese - Falò - RSI Info
    durata: 17.15 min
  • Salvare vite nel Mediterraneo: la missione di don Mattia Ferrari - Siamo presente Ep.16
    Salvare vite nel Mediterraneo: la missione di don Mattia Ferrari - Siamo presente Ep.16
    durata: 52.92 min
  • La realizadora Anna Recalde Miranda estrena en Francia ‘De la guerra fría a la guerra verde’
    La realizadora Anna Recalde Miranda estrena en Francia ‘De la guerra fría a la guerra verde’
    durata: 21.72 min
  • ¿Y si el dólar colapsa?
    ¿Y si el dólar colapsa?
    durata: 5.47 min
  • Nicolás Maduro - Día del pescador y el acuicultor artesanal
    Nicolás Maduro - Día del pescador y el acuicultor artesanal
    durata: 81.37 min

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