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The Scarlet clue

The Scarlet clue is a 1945 American film directed by Phil Rosen. The film is also known as Charlie Chan in the Scarlet clue (American informal title) and Charlie Chan: The Scarlet clue in Australia. This film is in the public domain due to the omission of a valid copyright notice on original prints.

The show

The show is a 1927 silent American drama film directed by Tod Browning, based upon Charles Tenney Jackson's 1910 novel The day of souls.

The return of Draw Egan

The return of Draw Egan is a 1916 silent film western (genre) drama film film starring William S. Hart, Louise Glaum, Margery Wilson, Robert McKim (actor), and J. P. Lockney.
film director by William S. Hart and film producer by Thomas H. Ince for Kay-Bee Pictures and the New York Motion Picture Company, the screenplay was written by C. Gardner Sullivan.
According to modern sources, the assistant director was Cliff Smith (filmmaker) and the art director#In film was Robert Brunton.
One of the early five-reel feature length silent movies, The return of Draw Egan was ... continua

Venezuela: la oscura causa

Este documental no es un trabajo coyuntural. Será vigente mientras Estados Unidos persista en terminar con la Revolución Bolivariana que se construye en Venezuela, para apoderarse de su petróleo y demás recursos naturales. En 1902 Inglaterra, Alemania y otras naciones europeas quisieron apoderarse de esta nación. Los argumentos y las prácticas desestabilizadoras de aquella lejana fecha, son casi los mismos que se utilizan hoy contra el gobierno de una Venezuela soberana.
Un documental basado en entrevistas a estudiosos venezolanos que, en un lenguaje sencillo y ... continua

¿Qué está pasando en Venezuela? (explicación no-cómoda)

La crisis en Venezuela está muy alta, inflación extrema, falta de algunos alimentos y medicinas, crisis económica que también es política, más aún con el presidente autodesignado en toda ilegalidad. Pero a EU (Estados Unidos) no le preocupan la democracia, los DDHH, los regímenes autoritarios, el hambre, pues es muy amigo de muchísimos países donde todos estos derechos no se respetan, pero en Venezuela hay petróleo. Ahora confiensan abiertamente que quieren apropiarse de ese petróleo. www.patreon.com/cuellilargo Publicado por: cuellilargo, el 6.2.19

Danza "Choike Purrun" mapuche, Chile

Danza mapuche Grabado en lo prado. Publicado por: Perquenco Videos

Uptown New York

Uptown New York is a 1932 American film directed by Victor Schertzinger and starring Jack Oakie, Shirley Grey, and Leon Ames (actor). It is based on the story by Vina Delmar.

War comes to America

War comes to America is the seventh and final film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight World War II propaganda film series.
The early part of the film is an idealized version of American history which includes mention of the first settlements, the American Revolutionary War (omitting the American Civil War), and the ethnic diversity of America. It lists 22 immigrant nationalities, 19 of them European, and uses the then-current terms "Negro", "Jap", and "Chinaman". This section of the film concludes with a lengthy paean to American inventiveness, economic abundance, and ... continua

War of the planets

A spaceship intercepts a mysterious message and then crashes on the planet the message is being sent from. There they uncover a force that threatens to take over the Earth.

When's your birthday?

When's your birthday? (1937 in film) is an American film directed by Harry Beaumont. While original prints of this film had a cartoon sequence in Technicolor directed by Bob Clampett and Leon Schlesinger, most prints (including the Internet Archive) have the sequence in black-and-white.

Why change your wife?

Why change your wife? is a 1920 American silent film comedy film directed by Cecil B. DeMille and starring Gloria Swanson.

Why we fight: The battle of Russia - Part 1

Produced by the U.S. Army Special Service Division, and directed by Frank Capra "Why we fight" is a seven part propaganda/documentary series that traces the earliest beginnings of the second world war starting with Japan's invasion of China in 1931, to the Nazi's march across europe. This is a remasterd version encoded for Apple TV.

Wives under suspicion

Wives under suspicion (1938 in film) is a film directed by James Whale, starring Warren William, Gail Patrick, Ralph Morgan, and Constance Moore, and released by Universal Pictures. In 1966, the film entered the List of films in the public domain in the United States due to the Universal Pictures failure to renew its copyright registration in the 28th year after publication.

The soilers

A miner's treasure is falsely claimed by the corrupt local sheriff and the miner must fight to get it back. The soilers is a 1923 American silent film comedy film starring Stan Laurel, and was released in the same year as the Western (genre) silent movie drama The Spoilers (1923 film). The name of one character from the original, "McNamara", may have a parody in the name of the James Finlayson character.

The lost zeppelin

An early sound film adventure/melodrama in which a dirigible expedition to the South Pole is complecated by a love triangle. Surprisingly good production values and visual FX for a Tiffany production. However the audio FX are very primitive. Directed by Edward Sloman.

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Il Papa che dice buonasera

Che qualcosa potesse cambiare, anzi che di fatto stava cambiando, lo capimmo immediatamente al primo saluto. Era la sera del 13 marzo 2013 e Papa Bergoglio si affacciava per la prima volta dalla loggia di Piazza San Pietro dicendo: "Fratelli e sorelle buonasera". Un saluto laico e universale insieme. Un linguaggio immediato perché non impregnato dei codici religiosi ed ecclesiastici che saranno ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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    La lettera accusatrice
    durata: 72.07 min
  • 1227- Napoleone e il Colpo di Stato del 18 Brumaio
    1227- Napoleone e il Colpo di Stato del 18 Brumaio
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  • Dioniso e le Baccanti - Una Tragedia Greca di Euripide (Le Baccanti)
    Dioniso e le Baccanti - Una Tragedia Greca di Euripide (Le Baccanti)
    durata: 14.23 min
  • SuperQuark - NATI PER LA SAVANA
    SuperQuark - NATI PER LA SAVANA
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  • Non distogliere lo sguardo dalle vittime di guerra | Francesca Mannocchi e Irene Graziosi
    Non distogliere lo sguardo dalle vittime di guerra | Francesca Mannocchi e Irene Graziosi
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  • Lucendro: acque contese - Falò | RSI Info
    Lucendro: acque contese - Falò | RSI Info
    durata: 17.15 min
  • Salvare vite nel Mediterraneo: la missione di don Mattia Ferrari - Siamo presente Ep.16
    Salvare vite nel Mediterraneo: la missione di don Mattia Ferrari - Siamo presente Ep.16
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  • Focus live 2024 - Come si pesa il vuoto
    Focus live 2024 - Come si pesa il vuoto
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  • ll mistero del gatto Asclepio
    ll mistero del gatto Asclepio
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  • SLF 2024 - Le potenzialità e le implicazioni dei modelli di intelligenza artificiale
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  • Valanga impressionante all'Alpe Nave in Valle dei Ratti
    Valanga impressionante all'Alpe Nave in Valle dei Ratti
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  • ¿Deberíamos devolverles la vida a especies extintas?
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  • Marco Antonio Regil: El universo premia la acción
    Marco Antonio Regil: El universo premia la acción
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  • Una bara per tutte le tasche | Appuntamenti con la Storia
    Una bara per tutte le tasche | Appuntamenti con la Storia
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