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Mothman - Il Mothman della New River Gorge

In questo video, parleremo della leggenda del folclore nordamericano del Mothman, una creatura alata con occhi rossi, vista in West Virginia, associata a eventi sinistri e che crea un'aura di mistero. Arte: Marcus Aquino Colore: Arthur Russo

1057 - Tokyo 1923, terremoto, tempeste di fuoco e massacri per odio razziale

1077 - Teodorico il grande, signore dei goti e dei romani

Acqua: Risorse, rischi e responsabilità

Acqua: Risorse, Rischi e Responsabilità. Esplorando le sfide globali e le soluzioni locali per una gestione sostenibile delle risorse idriche, incontro a cura di Helpcode Italia collaterale alla mostra "Aqua Mater. Sebastião Salgado".
L’acqua, fonte di vita e risorsa imprescindibile per il nostro benessere, è al centro di una serie di sfide ambientali e sociali senza precedenti. Esistono realtà in cui la sua scarsità, i fenomeni climatici estremi e le disuguaglianze nell’accesso a questo bene primario, stanno definendo il destino di intere comunità e ... continua

Visita: palazzoducale.genova.it

Daily Show for October 29, 2024 Democracy Now!

In the final week ahead of the presidential election, Republican Donald Trump’s campaign is facing widespread backlash after his rally Sunday at Madison Square Garden, where conservative comedian Tony Hinchcliffe called Puerto Rico “an island of garbage” and others leaned into racist and anti-immigrant rhetoric. We speak to journalist Jean Guerrero, who has published books on Trump’s white nationalist agenda and her own Latina and Puerto Rican identity. Trump is “seeking to restrict the notion of what it means to be American,” says Guerrero. Trump and his ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for October 31, 2024 Democracy Now!

We are joined by U.N. special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, Francesca Albanese, who says Israel is committing genocide on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Facing accusations of antisemitism from Israeli and U.S. officials, Albanese is in New York to present her report, titled “Genocide as colonial erasure,” which finds that Israel’s genocide is founded on “ideological hatred” and “dehumanization” and “enabled through the various organs of the state,” and recommends that Israel be unseated from the United Nations over its conduct. ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

Daily Show for November 7, 2024 Democracy Now!

We speak with historian Robin D. G. Kelley about the roots of Donald Trump’s election victory and the decline of Democratic support among many of the party’s traditional constituencies. Kelley says he agrees with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who said Democrats have “abandoned” working-class people. “There was really no program to focus on the actual suffering of working people across the board,” Kelley says of the Harris campaign. He says the highly individualistic, neoliberal culture of the United States makes it difficult to organize along class lines ... continua

Visita: www.democracynow.org

FTV24 - I tempi esponenziali dell'informazione

Giovanni Floris con Andrea Malaguti

Visita: festivaldellatv.it

Sin lugares seguros en Gaza, el sionismo empuja a los palestinos a una muerte inminente

¿Y la justicia para el genocidio en la Franja de Gaza? esa seas tal vez la pregunta que más se haya hecho la población mundial y los propios gazatíes desde que el régimen de Israel comenzó a agudizar el genocidio el anterior 7 de octubre.
Las masacres están a la orden del día en todos los rincones del enclave palestino, escaladas armadas, mayores arremetidas, más blancos civiles, ese es el pan de cada día; el sionismo está empujando a los desplazados a la propia muerte, les obliga a trasladarse de lugar en lugar, luego son bombardeados y presentados como ... continua

Visita: www.hispantv.com

El tenor peruano Jesús Zambrano, creador del primer Festival Coral de Otoño en Poissy

El tenor y director de coros peruano Jesús Zambrano es el impulsor del Festival Coral de Otoño que tendrá lugar este sábado 5 de octubre en Poissy a pocos kilómetros al oeste de París. Pero antes ha estado con Jordi Batallé en El invitado de RFI.

Visita: www.rfi.fr