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Un viaggio oltre ogni aspettativa - Mauritius Tour 2023

Il mio ultimo tour a Mauritius è stato un viaggio indimenticabile, tra i più belli di sempre. Vi racconto perchè, e vi mostro tutta la bellezza di questa isola paradisiaca

Visita: www.stefanotiozzo.com

islam en Bolivia - Hollywood Cut Hollywood y la incitación a la islamofobia

gracias a Hispantv en este documental vemos como hollywood incita a la islamofobia.

Detrás de la Razón - Abuso sexual en el Vaticano

La palabra de Dios en la Iglesia católica en muchos casos se ha convertido en la palabra seductora que lleva a niños inocentes o a incautos a caer en las garras del sacerdote hambriento de la fechoría. Esta es la fachada del Vaticano hoy con la que tiene que remar a contracorriente.
Esta es la fotografía de decenas de casos de violación y abuso sexual cometido por sacerdotes que abusando de la confianza de la fe, satisfacen su deseo más carnal, lo que hace que el delito moral, penal y espiritual sea peor.
Ante todo ello al Papa Francisco no le quedó más ... continua

High society

Mickey lives with his Uncle Pat, and they frequently have corned beef for dinner. The gang meanwhile steals fruit from the local merchant by using a funnel and a drainpipe. The police officer who catches them wants to teach them a lesson, and then goes to get corned beef dinner with Pat. Mickey is soon adopted by his Aunt Kate to make him into a little gentleman. She and her butler bathe him down, slick back his hair and put him in a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. To make things worse is Mickey's Cousin Percy who make his life even more miserable. During a time when ... continua

Africa speaks

Africa speaks! is a 1930 American documentary film directed by Walter Futter and narrated by Lowell Thomas.

Paradise isle

Paradise isle is a 1937 American film directed by Arthur Greville Collins.

Fall of the House of Usher

Psychadelic at times, this unusual and memorable movie version of Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" has some creative details, and although it is one of the more obscure versions of the story, it offers a distinctive look at a couple of its many interesting aspects. The style is deliberately murky, and it has not so much as an inter-title, so that you do need to know at least the basic plot in order to understand what is happening. Check out the Jean Epstein version, too (also 1928)

Dead people

A young woman goes searching for her missing artist father. Her journey takes her to a strange Californian seaside town governed by a mysterious undead cult

The Blacksmith

Blacksmiths' assistant inadvertent clowning around in the shop, gets into fight with the smithy who is then arrested and placed in jail. In the meantime, the assistant tries to help several customers with devastating comedic consequences.

L’Africa possibile di giovani donne

Francesco Cavalli, Luciano Scalettari, Angelo Ferrari, Alessandro Rocca del collettivo dei giornalisti Hic Sunt Leones e le attrici Lella Costa, Silvia Salvatori, Simona Cavallari